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Snappable Carpets


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Greetings all,


So, the other day, I rage re-installed. This is not something any sane person should ever do. I did, because at the time, I was insane with frustration over a constantly CTDing fallout. I didn't just delete fallout and re-install, I deleted ALL of my mods, and downloaded new and re-installed. Now that I have done this stupidity, I have found that some of my favorite mods are no longer on the Nexus. Bad, Lynna - Stupid bad Lynna.


So, one of my all time favorites was Friffy's snappable carpets. With place anywhere, I could completely change the look of homeplate, or put some nav meshing down on one of the broken down houses in a settlement using rugs. Now, I not just my toes, but the toes of all of my settlers are cold and lost without Friffy's wonderful carpets. There are other beautiful carpet mods (like Renovated Decorations by aesfocus) but alas, they are not snappable. I have always had issues with Alternate settlement's rugs, but they may be my only fallback.


{The other mod that I lost, but managed to find in a backup of a backup of mine, was Don't Call Me Settler. The mod page said it is hidden until fixed. That mod is almost essential to my gameplay . To DCMS's author, you are the wind beneath my wings).



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Stebbinsd, I think you mean Alternate Settlements, rather than Homemaker. I just checked through all of my homemaker stuff (I've had that mod since it released) and there aren't any rugs in it. It's always possible that I am wrong. I use the SK version of homemaker, to keep my menus down to a low million instead of the 1.5 million they are with AS and homemaker in them, so I may be missing some things. Alternate settlements, the one with the non-snapping wallpaper (the wallpaper instead snaps to frames which you put up on the wall - I've never gotten it to work well myself), does not have rugs that snapped to each other. At least, not for me.


Thank you for your advice though! I appreciate the reply very much.

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Yeah ... I meant AS. Sorry, i can get the two confused since they're so similar.


Maybe you're using an outdated version. Or maybe you're not snapping the rugs to the right floors.


Me personally? I use the floors added by AS (e.g. "beige concrete" and "dark wood," etc.) before I add the carpets. Since the carpets are just going to cover up the floors, it doesn't matter what the floors look like. So maybe the vanilla floors don't work with the AS carpets, but I know for a fact that the AS floors do. For me, getting them to snap together is a breeze.

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I'm not trying to snap the carpets to the floors, I'm trying to snap them to eachother. But you're right, I could just use an AS foundation with one of the carpets. That does not help me with structures that are already in place (like homeplate). Friffy's carpet mod was the best for that.


Again, thank you for the reply! :laugh:

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