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Blessing of Nature - Game Guide v Game?


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I guess I have to be detailed describing what led up to this glitch or whatever.


I am undertaking the Blessings of Nature side quest. I went to Orphan Rock, took out the Hagraven and got Nettlebane. Returned to Danica and got instructions to go to Eldergleam Sanctuary. Accepted the additional task of guiding Maurice there.


Along the way we (I, Maurice and Lydia, my companion) were attacked by a dragon. To my complete astonishment Maurice survived (Lydia and I handled the dragon). I went up a level.


Checking out Maurice he was very, very badly wounded. I took the party back to Winterun hoping to find some healing for the poor guy. Nada.


So we pressed on to Eldergleam Sanctuary with our fingers crossed. And we made it with no more trouble.


Inside I talked to Asta and showed her Nettlebane, which made her annoyed.


NOW .... according to the Official Game Guide Maurice ought to want to pray to the Big Tree (Eldergleam) and if I say he can he ought to produce a miraculous sapling which will save me the sacrilegious act of cutting the Big Tree (and getting all the pilgrims offed by Springgans) since the sapling will do anything that Tree sap will do.


BUT ... Maurice doesn't have a clue.


Am I doing something wrong? Is the Official Guide wrong? Is this something that Bethesda is going to patch-fix?


Thanks to anyone who can help.

Edited by cinwdr
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I guess I have to be detailed describing what led up to this glitch or whatever.


I am undertaking the Blessings of Nature side quest. I went to Orphan Rock, took out the Hagraven and got Nettlebane. Returned to Danica and got instructions to go to Eldergleam Sanctuary. Accepted the additional task of guiding Maurice there.


Along the way we (I, Maurice and Lydia, my companion) were attacked by a dragon. To my complete astonishment Maurice survived (Lydia and I handled the dragon). I went up a level.


Checking out Maurice he was very, very badly wounded. I took the party back to Winterun hoping to find some healing for the poor guy. Nada.


So we pressed on to Eldergleam Sanctuary with our fingers crossed. And we made it with no more trouble.


Inside I talked to Asta and showed her Nettlebane, which made her annoyed.


NOW .... according to the Official Game Guide Maurice ought to want to pray to the Big Tree (Eldergleam) and if I say he can he ought to produce a miraculous sapling which will save me the sacrilegious act of cutting the Big Tree (and getting all the pilgrims offed by Springgans) since the sapling will do anything that Tree sap will do.


BUT ... Maurice doesn't have a clue.


Am I doing something wrong? Is the Official Guide wrong? Is this something that Bethesda is going to patch-fix?


Thanks to anyone who can help.

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It's not like it dies. You can take a little sap from a tree without harming it. You just piss off some Spriggans, who are, generally, pretty easy to piss off.



I know that. But ... you see, I'm a Wood Elf. How would hacking and slashing a tree look to the other Wood Elves? And then there's the issue of what happens to Asta, Maurice, and that other pilgrim in the fight.


Besides, I am pissed off at the Guide for suggesting something that apparently can't be done.

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I did both ways without any problems. If you want Maurice to help you, go up all the way to the roots. Wait until he's close behind you. Use Nettlebane to cut the roots. When you've cut the last one and the way is clear (it won't happen after the first or second root, I think it were 3 blocking your way) Maurice should start a dialogue with you. Then you can let him pray to the tree. For more information read this: http://www.uesp.net/...sings_of_Nature .
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Thanks to both of you (the windy one and the antipodean biscuit). That sounds like the solution. Fits vaguely with the not so good text in the Guide. Makes some kind of dramatic sense. Something I ought to have tried without anyone's having to tell me. Means my wood elf will only have to do about 50 years penance instead of ritual suicide.


Of course, first I will have to try it.


If you don't hear back from me it means it worked.

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