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lod pop in? is this normal for everyone?


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Ive recently noticed this happening while just being around whiterun, tried changing all sorts of lod settings in the ini and none seemed to have an effect. Is this something everyone is experiencing or is there some setting im missing that will improve it for me? Not really sure if it has always been this way for me or not, dont think i paid much attention to it before



notice the wall straight ahead as it changes each picture (the stones and then the moss to the right of them). Also ingame there is a noticable *line* of the light or a shadow or whatever that moves along the rocks on the left then down wall going to the right as you get closer to it, but not really visible in the pictures.






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That's how the game works. The farther away you are, the less detail there is on objects. It was designed like that so when you're playing the game your computer isn't trying to load all these high quality textures and stuff constantly which would put a heavy demand on your PC causing you to lag.
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well ya i understand that.. but really lol, if i can run on ultra+ settings on a pc thats over 5 years old, it would be nice to have config settings so that detail isnt disappearing at 20 feet away.. But i guess there isnt anything to control that distance :-( Edited by diamondoptic
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ya i run ugridstoload at 7, 9 is too much for me.. but that really only seems to help with stuff further in the distance, not anything right infront of you :(
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Try to increase fDecalLOD1 & 2 in skyrimprefs.ini

I presume the moss is a decal.


On a sidenote: setting fMeshLODLevel1 & 2 FadeDist to something like 10000 will prevent "LOD pop-in" for the buildings (only the ones which are in the nearest grids, though. Not the ones in the distant mesh).

fBlockLevel0 & 1 Distance to 100000 or more will do the same for the mountains.

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ya i run ugridstoload at 7, 9 is too much for me.. but that really only seems to help with stuff further in the distance, not anything right infront of you :(


Did anyone ever figure this out for certain? I've found settings for all kinds of things but the building detail (moss) doesn't seem to be one of them, and I've tried all the settings mentioned here.

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