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Templar armour and weapons


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I'm a big fan of the Templars, and seeming as this is a Medieval/Fantasy theme game, I thought someone who's good at modding/texturing could help me out here. I know that some Templar armour mods do exist (I found two or three that were basically the same skin for ebony armour). However I'd like to request the idea of a more realistic one: something like a new skin (and modded values) for Ulfric's armour that looks more like the original Templar robes.

Here's a picture of Jacques de Molay (last of the Templar Grand Masters): http://blog.templarhistory.com/wp-content/uploads/demolay.jpg


I was thinking something like that as a re-texturing for Ulfric's armour because the original already has a cape (or possible Nightingale armour? Or maybe even an entirely new set of armour if possible?). For a sword, I was thinking something along the lines of this: http://www.replicapower.com/knight-templar-sword-39-inch.html

or this: http://www.replicapower.com/hugues-de-payens-crusader-sword.html


Sorry for the website, but it has the best photo's of the swords that I could find.

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