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8GB Large Address Mod help


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So I've been trying to get the 4GB mod to increase the memory address size to 6 or 8 GB.


why do I want this?

1) I have 16GB of memory

2) My cpu (PhenomII 955 @ 4.1 Ghz) and graphics cards aren't going over 50% load at any one time, and I still only seem to get @ 15-20 FPS.


I have two water cooled 6970's crossfire'd to three monitors, but as they aren't hitting high loads, I'm taking a stab at the memory being the bottleneck.


I've been trying to adjust the 4gb mod, but quite frankly I'm a bit confuzed. any help would be bueno.


And needless to say, hours of hunting for one that already exists has come up fruitless, unless I didn't use a good search term.

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what video card are you running? I'm running skyrim with no 4gb mod, just whatever the game lets me have. but i have a 8gb ram , with a GTX 570 video card, i hit between 60- 90 FPS. no other mods to increase those frames, and my settings are all on high. maybe you should check your PC specs before you adjust the game settings
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Didn't they include the 4gb fix in the 1.3 patch?


Are you sure it's not just a bottleneck somewhere else? if you're only getting 50%cpu/gpu, what about your disk usage?

I think he's aware of the 4gb fix in the 1.3 patch, but what he's trying to do is edit a temporary 4gb mod from before the patch to make it use 8gb of ram. And I am as well, interested in getting a 8gb ram mod because Skyrim is still laggy for me.

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LAA aware is on by default in the current version of Skyrim. Also, you'll need to have a couple hundred mods active to push the game to use 4GB. Your GPU usage is not dependent on the amount of system ram the game uses.
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32bit windows can only use upto 4gb, if he's using 64bit the applications he runs will use whatever is available so long as they are laa enabled (which 1.3 skyrim now is)


I was assume from his statement of having xfired water-cooled gpu's that he hasn't neglected to install the 64bit version of windos :biggrin:

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Guys, the amount of RAM that an application can address is not only limited by the operating system you use / the amount of RAM that you've got available, but also if the executable itself is 32-bit or not.


In the case of Skyrim, the game's executable is 32-bit, so the 4GB switch is the best you can get on a 64-bit operating system.

It CAN'T allocate more memory than that. :U

The only way you can get the game to make use of 8GB or more would be to recompile the executable so it's a 64-bit one, and since Bethesda is the only one with the sourcecode of the game to accomplish that, you won't get the game to use that additional memory no matter how many flags you try to set on the current 32-bit app.

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