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I have never used X6-88 as a companion except maybe once for a day or so. This playthrough I destroyed the Institute with the Railroad and didn't get banished from the Institute.

So I go to the Libertalia today for a kickup and there he is. He asks if I want him to tag along and I say yes. He is oblivious to the fact that the Institute is a crater and Father is dead, and talks about his ambitions for the future. I have read up a bit and know I can't take him to Railroad HQ, but the Railroad Agents manning the checkpoints are OK with him.

What I was wondering - what happens when we run into 1st or 2nd gen Synths ? I have deliberately avoided places where they are, but will he turn hostile to me or them ?

I also had a bizarre moment when I went to Bunker Hill because X4-18 has been standing outside ever since the battle. I asked X6-88 to "inspect him" and he said "I would if I could".

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Well, no replies but I found out anyway when I was called to defend the checkpoint at Murkwater Construction and it was being attacked by 1 and 2 Synths. X6-88 laid into them with about as close to glee as he ever gets. No loyalty to his own brethren.

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