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Some Mods not working


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If you are new to modding, I suggest you take some time and watch this series. It may mention some things you missed which are causing your game to crash.


Also, anytime you move/alter/delete a mod from an active save, it can cause errors (for future reference).


What is likely the case here sounds like it may either be some missing masters (if closing after the Bethesda Logo) or a mod conflict. Just about each mod has an install, required, recommended, compatibility, forum, and post section to their mod page. Each of these can give you a wealth of information when it comes to modding your Skyrim and what exactly works or doesn't work with their mod. For instance, I see Crafting Overhaul on a lot of lists, but they always seem to not read that you need two other mods for it to work right. Then they are experiencing crashing and all sorts of weird errors. Take some time to slowly read and try to understand what the mod author is saying, and don't be afraid to ask for help either here or on the mod posts section if you have a question (although some mod authors take a while to get back to you). Many of us can help you.

Also, when asking for help, we could assist you better if we could see your load order.


Assuming after watching the video series below, that you are using LOOT to sort your mods, there are 3 dots in the upper right. You can click there and find "Copy Load order" and then paste it here in a spoiler tag so we can see what you are using.

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