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Mods of the Unknown NPC


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Ya know, there're lots of npcs that haven't been modded that are of interest...and ignored.


Wonder why no one takes a shot at expanding on them? There're over a hundred each


that're tied to Lydia and Serana. At least ninety for Aela, and many of the other Companions.


Seems like character modders are kinda in a rut in a way. True, there're bunches of character


mods that are unique and I like a LOT of them, and run them. But when it comes to vanilla


npcs, there're not too awful many beyond the most prominent. I can think of lots of vanilla


characters that are worth expanding on...yet they aren't. Wonder why.

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I run both body types, face and hair mods, and an armor swap for vanilla ... So, every single npc in my game is pretty much epic looking.

This ^ because who wants potato followers and NPCs ...Potatoes are to eat not play.



Yes, maybe. OTOH, why not expand on an existing npc instead of expending all the time and effort needed to


create someone entirely new. FREX, I always wondered what could be done with Erikers' (sp?) sister...Gizli(sp?).


There're several others that make cameo appearances that are of potential interest.

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