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Underground Hideout Issues


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I love the Underground Hideout mod. However I am having some issues.


Issue 1) The door is missing and the radiation bath is not functioning.

There is supposed to be a door, then a bath that removes your radiation, and then a second door. Both the outer and inner doors are missing, and the radiation bath appears to be broken (just the blue beams but no voice and rads are not removed).


Issue 2) The walls have raised up from then floor in some places. Very strange.


Issue 3) The sound from the waterfall is absent often.


Please see the attached pictures and advise any insights in to how to fis or resolve. Thanks for your help.

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It's a bizarre glitch, I just remembered the walls are physically part of the floor in fallout 3, it's all the same object so it should be impossible for this to happen.


Do other places with the vault tileset have the same problem, like vault 112?

Have you tried disabling other mods, just leaving underground hideout?

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2nd what caramellcube said. It looks like you have another mod that may have deleted the base object for the doors. If they did that, no telling what other mayhem they've done with other objects.
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Yeah. I have a bunch of bizaar stuff going on with the game now. For example, Mr. Burke won't talk to me. Can't exit Little Lamplight. Tires floating in the air. I actually suspect, but cannot prove, that it might be NMCs Texture Pack for FO3, or perhaps the Wastland Landscape Patch. I think I will do a compleate reinstall without those modes and see what happens. Wish me luck (crossing my fingers).


P.S. Wonder if it could be hardware related. Perhaps I need a better video card or more RAM???

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