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DPS Drop After Taking Rifleman 2 Perk?


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So I'm playing through on survival difficulty with mods, but the only mod I have that does anything relating to weapons is the crossbows of the commonwealth mod. Anyway everything was hunky-dory until I took the Rifleman 2 perk. At first taking the perk raised my DPS with my crossbow to 80 and my DPS with my pipe rifle to I believe 28. However, after a while I noticed that they had both dropped to 64 and 22 respectively. At first I thought maybe it was the result of a disease or something since I was in survival, but nothing is affecting my SPECIAL stats at all. I'm also almost 100% certain that I wasn't using any alcohol or chems when this occurred so I don't think that is the issue. Anyone know if this is a common bug and/or if it can be remedied? It's really aggravating to have this problem as I've spent quite a few hours with this character now and I hate to have to restart.

Edited by wishbone346
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Survival Mode has "Adrenaline" its a buff that you get that is tracked in your Status effects.


It is a range of +0% to +50%


So at full 50% you do the same damage multiple as the enemies.

This makes the damage in your Pipboy change as well just like any other buff.


So its not a bug.


To boost Adrenaline you just have to kill stuff and not take naps.


Get into a few killing spree's and your character can become a real wrecking train.

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