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In My Time of Need


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In the quest, In My Time of Need, you come to a decision. Is she an innocent noble who spoke against wrongdoings, or is she a traitor to her country?


This has been a hard decision for me, since there are very few choices in video games that do not have a "right" answer. It's usually black or white. Not ambiguous.

I finally decided to side with Saadia. If she really did betray her city and country, there would have to be a reason. Some reward.

I think she would have gotten money, or safety with the Thalmor.

Instead, she's run far from home, and is working at an inn of all things. It doesn't seem like she got anything for her "betrayal."


Also, there's the fact that they have been banned from Whiterun.....



Anyway, what did you choose to do during this quest? You can state in character or out of character decisions.

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I betrayed Saadia and Kematu and killed them both. I brought Saadia to the stables, waited for Kematu to freeze her and give me a reward, then I killed him and Saadia. That way I don't have to choose :thumbsup:.
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I betrayed Saadia and Kematu and killed them both. I brought Saadia to the stables, waited for Kematu to freeze her and give me a reward, then I killed him and Saadia. That way I don't have to choose :thumbsup:.



Same here. The best choice. You can also get a double reward this way.

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Nice way of thinking!

"1 reward? Ha! I killed them both for twice the reward!". Am I the only one finding it weird they call bandits criminals? ;)


That said, I don't follow moral choice in TES games. I take the route that lets me kill X jerk, or generally the way where I can kill most people.

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In the quest, In My Time of Need, you come to a decision. Is she an innocent noble who spoke against wrongdoings, or is she a traitor to her country?


This has been a hard decision for me, since there are very few choices in video games that do not have a "right" answer. It's usually black or white. Not ambiguous.

I finally decided to side with Saadia. If she really did betray her city and country, there would have to be a reason. Some reward.

I think she would have gotten money, or safety with the Thalmor.

Instead, she's run far from home, and is working at an inn of all things. It doesn't seem like she got anything for her "betrayal."


Also, there's the fact that they have been banned from Whiterun.....



Anyway, what did you choose to do during this quest? You can state in character or out of character decisions.


I think the lore on the Alik'r makes it unlikely that they would be working for the Thalmor, so I didn't trust Saadia's story.

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@Prosis: That's sorta reasonable, except that she knew she didn't get away clean, and she knew that the people she'd betrayed were still in a position to come after her. Therefor, regardless of riches, she'd be hiding someplace inconspicuous.


I choose to believe she's a traitor because of how readily she pulled her knife when she thought she could threaten the Dragonborn to get ahead. That doesn't suggest to me "totally reasonable person who is nervous," because of my character's sterling reputation for helping people out. What it suggests is someone who is used to using violence to get her way. Then, after failing to impress me with the whole "threaten the archmage with a pig-sticker" schtick, she feeds me some line about how she wasn't REALLY gonna stab me, she was just so scared of the boogeyman and can I pretty please kill the boogeyman for her.


Kematu, on the other hand, comes to me with respect, tells me what he wants, tells me what's in it for him, what's in it for me, tells me why he wants it and what's gonna happen if he gets it.

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At first, I was leaning to side with Kematu for the same reasons as well. He's a very smooth talker, and I like that he's willing to avoid bloodshed.


However, he only offers the deal after the Dragonborn has killed a number of the normal bandits. Which, I'd assume, are employed by him.


To me, it seems like he's willing to talk simply for the fact that he's realized that, at the very least, several of his actual men (not just local rifraff) will die, should they cross blades with the Dragonborn.


That is, when violence through the bandits fails, he tries persuasion instead.


By offering money and calm words, he both prevents the death of his own men, and gets Saadia out of the city.


But I know its a stretch, and it still doesn't really prove/disprove either side.

Edited by Prosis
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I killed Kematu. I'm not really that much of a betrayal, even more a coward one. I don't care about their past but leading a girl to some stables and letting the other guy paralyse and kill her? Lame. In order to kill Kematu, I had to go through a cave of bandits so that alone makes me feel ok. One more reason I didn't kill Saadia is because she's in Whiterun. My favourite hold so far in Skyrim, Riften comes second.
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I killed Kematu. I'm not really that much of a betrayal, even more a coward one. I don't care about their past but leading a girl to some stables and letting the other guy paralyse and kill her? Lame. In order to kill Kematu, I had to go through a cave of bandits so that alone makes me feel ok. One more reason I didn't kill Saadia is because she's in Whiterun. My favourite hold so far in Skyrim, Riften comes second.


Kematu doesn't kill Saadia, or at least, there is no indication that he kills her. If you take what he says at face value, he brings her back to Hammerfell alive to face judgement. Personally, I played it cautious and gave Kematu the benefit of the doubt, with the understanding that I'd run him through if he made the wrong move. He didn't attack me or kill Saadia, so I'm tempted to believe him. That being said, once I left, there was nothing to stop him from slitting her throat and leaving her in a ditch somewhere.


Oh, and Riften? Really? Why? It's the new Bravil.

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