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Sewer Crashing. Please Help! 8D


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To who ever can help-


I' had to restrat my computer because heaven know's what happened to it and basicly clean the whole thing out, so theres nothing worng with it. (Unless I dont think so.) Anyways to the point, I started Oblivion and its fine, untill Im about to head down the sewer pipe that Barus (right?) gave me a key for, once its in the loading page it crashes. :wallbash: Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? :-[


What I've download for Oblivion so far are:


Midas Magic spells

Beautiful people

Custom race fix

nightshade armor

Saurons armor

Female Eye candy body replacer

and also the Oblivion 1.2 patch and Oblivion Mod Manger.


Can anyone Help??? :thanks:

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Make a save just before the point where it crashes.

Quit and restart using OBMM, disable ALL mods and try it.


If it works without your mods then one of your mods is conflicting with the game. If it doesn't work you need to do a full reinstall.


If it is a mod try enabling them one at a time and going back to that save just before it crashes. If you find the one, try reinstalling it. If that doesn't work, find the forum thread dedicated to that mod and see if there are any other people with this problem and how they dealt with it.


For a total reinstall, Follow this procedure.


Uninstalling Oblivion doesn't really uninstall the entire thing. It leaves behind several files such as your save game file, Oblivion.ini file, your /data file and some registry entries.


From my experience, the registry entries don't matter. But the others do.


These instructions assume you are using the default path and running WinXP. the path is slightly different on Vista.


To save the data file with all of your mods, go to C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data.

Rename the /data folder to something like oldata.


To save folder that has your saved games go to C:\Documents and settings\your name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion

rename the /Oblivion folder there to something like oldoblivion- this preserves all of your saved games and your Oblivion.ini.


When you reinstall, It will create new files to replace the ones you renamed.


When you reinstall, first install the oblivion from the original disk. Then, before installing anything else, SI, OBMM, OBSE or any mods start the game and make a save. THIS IS IMPORTANT! This allows Oblivion to initialize everything that needs to be initialized when you start, Then, if you use SI, install SI. again start the game and make a save.


Now, download the latest patch - If you use SI, ONLY use the latest SI patch and NOT the oblivion patch. If you do NOT use SI, only use the latest Oblivion patch. you can get them here: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm


Again, after installing the patch - only one - Start the game and make a save.


Now you should be at the beginning of the game with no mods. Go back to the new data folder (Oblivion/Data) and rename it to something like Newdata. Then rename the oldata back to data.


Now you should have all of your mods back. If one of them is a problem, you can always go back to the newdata.


If you want to use your old saves, then go to the Documents and files \...\My Games\oblivion - that is the new one created by the reinstall. and rename it to NewOblivion, then rename the oldoblivion back to Oblivion. when you play the original saves will be back. if they turn out to have been the problem, then you have the newoblivion as a backup.


If the old saves are the problem and you don't want to go back through the training dungeon again, Try one of the mods that allows you to start somewhere else such as Alternative start Arrive by Ship: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11495


Sounds like a lot of work, but it should leave you with a clean install.


Good luck.

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Well, I followed every step and it still crashes; everywhere that I try to leave. But you've tought me how to save my memory and all so thanks. Maybe its my motherboard and my videocard (they suck, im getting new ones. :-P). I always had trouble on Oblivion in the past so hopefuly when I restart the whole thing again maybe it'll work. Thanks anyways! :thanks:
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If this were a hardware problem it wouldn't crash in exactly the same place every time. Something as repeatable as you describe should be software related. It could possibly be something related to your oblivion.ini. but if you haven't changed anything there it should be OK. The ini is the one located in the documents folder, not the one in the \Bethesda\Oblivion folder.


Re new video: I have seen more problems reported with Nvidia than ATI based cards. But maybe I just notice them more because I have an Nvidia card.


I am out of ideas, maybe someone else has more.

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Nothing has worked so far...I deleted Oblivion and the folders with it. I have no mods in it; nothing, but it still crashes right in the same spot!! Do I need to buy a new Oblivion? :confused:


This is the only game I ever had trouble with. (Or since I reformatted.) (Stupid Questions I know but-) Does it have to do something with my VideoCard? MotherBoard? Maybe my Firewall? Must I download something so it might work? Anything! :wallbash:


Is anyone else having the same problem???


And Thank you bben46 for the help. :biggrin:

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What about your system specs? the specs listed on the box are for a very poor performing system. Give us a listing of the parts - processor, Ram, video card & video ram, sound card etc.


And, What else is running in the background. I read a recent thread where a person with a problem crashing at regular intervals found that by turning his screen saver off he no longer crashed at all. Anything running in the background can cause problems. HP printer software is well known for this. Turn off things like your firewall, antivirus, printer software. Watch for programs that want to 'call home' and disable that function if you can - some virus and spyware call home so often it can slow your computer to a crawl.


Run a full antivirus check - this can take several hours and a full antispyware scan.


Do a clean up of your system. there is a free program called Advanced Windows Care that does a fair job in a short time - its available at Majorgeeks.com Just be sure to uncheck the option that automatically installs Yahoo and makes Yahoo your default when installing. When you get to their site the free version is all the way at the bottom of the page. Majorgeeks has a lot of free utility type programs, be sure to check if it is free or not before downloading.


After cleaning, defrag your Hard drive.


Even if this doesn't fix Oblivion it should make your computer run better.

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