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Bump maps look way too shiny


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I've been making some new textures for the Werewolf but after making the bump map I noticed this strange effect. Am I doing something wrong? Or its just my graphics card?




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Edited by sergyu2500
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He means to darken the alpha channel of the normal map that you created. In Photoshop or your image editing sofware of your choice, look at the channel palette and check out the alpha channel that you'll see along the red, green and blue channels.


As you know, the game sets the intensity of the specular hilights by reading the Alpha channel that's stored with the normal map - if you have that white or comparatively speaking rather bright grey, you'll wind up with what you see happening right there in your case - uniform glossyness that's not very realistic.


Make it black and you disable the specs, darker if you just want less of them.

Even better would be if you make a custom specular map for your edited texture.

Or just copy the alpha channel from the original normalmap and paste that into the one of your modified texture.

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Well there you go x]

That is a totally washed-out specular map. Darken it, a lot more than it is right now, it's too bright overall.

Select the content of that alpha channel, paste it onto a new regular layer.

Add a levels- adjustment layer and try dragging the black value to .. Iunno. 180?ish? Mid-value to 0.78? Something like that, you really need to get rid of most mid-greyish parts.

Then copy the alpha channel from it's regular layer, delete it, and paste the darker stuff back into the alpha channel. Experiment!

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