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Can't install certain MODs with Nexus Mod Manager


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I use Nexus Mod Manager to install my Skyrim mods.

Some of them install without any problem, such as SkyUI, New Animation for Magic, Followers, Guards Dialogues, etc.

But some of them, whenever I try to activate'em, gives me an error message saying "A problem occurred during instal:: The acess to C:\Program Files (x86)\Nexus Mod Manager\cache\[mod name]\Data [...] was denied. The mod was not installed"

I can't install, for example, mods like FNIS, UNP Bodys, Cloaks, armors, etc.


My Nexus Mod Manager already has administrator acess, still, the problem persists.


p.s.: Sorry, I'm Brazilian, but I think I made me undestand.

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