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New Combat System??


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I've played a lot of TES in my life, probably too much, but the one thing that it lacks (playing Jedi Academy again had brought this to my attention) is a dynamic melee combat system. They've tried a couple different ways: Morrowind used a hit and miss style, with three, count em, THREE moves for each weapon, but ultimately they've settled on a 100%-of-blows-land system. Which doesn't really make sense, I don't think any person's reaction to having a huge warhammer or battleaxe swung at their head would be to stand there and take it like a money shot. My point is you need to be able to parry the NPC's and vice versa.


Or more simply, is there any way to make the combat like Jedi Academy or better even? I think it would probably take some work to make the weapons clip with each other and mess with the AI of the npc's, then again, I don't even know if that's how you'd do it. I think someone would have to dissect Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast a little and figure out how the saber combat is set up, I know it's a combination of moves that everyone has based on the direction you press to move, similar to TES. You could make some moves involved in the skill trees, I dunno. Let's talk about it. We can work it out. 8)

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I can see the potential in the lock-on system. I think if it were just a sticky camera rather than a totally static lock-on, or a button that centers the camera on a target rather than lock-on, that would be nice. Conversely Jedi Academy plays totally fine without the lock-on, so it's kind of a subjective thing I guess. But there's a lot they could have done with the combat that's subjective. It's great where it's at, but as humanity goes, we'll perpetually strive for something better or new just for the sake of new and better.


I want epic sword fights with parrying, not as many body shots, more damage from weapons when they do hit. Realism. Though I suppose that's the ultimate goal of gaming, so maybe I'm asking for too much here. But I think if a game from the naughties can get it almost 90% correct, then one from this decade should be more than capable of sustaining such a combat system. Maybe that's a stupid assumption on my part. I don't really have a modder's knowledge of how this game works script-wise.


Someone make this game better. hahaha :wink:

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