DragonMitko Posted December 18, 2016 Share Posted December 18, 2016 Hello. I use NMM for Skyrim and MO and i have some mods that i downloaded 3-4 years ago and im downloading mods now and i get sometimes some gliches or bugs because too many mods are overwriting. So saying it simple i have old mods that the new one overwrite at parts or at all. Is there a program/mod/site where i can check which mod are outdated because i have a lot of mods and i want to clean inactive once.Also i have some gliches that i think are from wrong load order in witch i hope someone can help me:Here are my problems listed, some are old topics some not but i hope someone will hape me with some of them. Here they are: 1) I had Skyrim Beautiful Followers mod All-in-one and everythign is perfect but after i ... load new cell (open door or do some loading action) after the first 2-3 the faces of the characters(female) gets like... basic. All look the same way (fat, roundheaded, blonde with the same hairstile) ONLY the faces are ...bugging. After i quit and restart the game everything is fine. Loading save game doesnt fix it 2) When i use Alterate actors and change actor and chage it face, Save it but when i go back to my OC its not saved and my char is with the same face as the other NPC * also i have similar problem just with ShowRaceMenu. It doesnt change anything from my char like new hair or shape. To do it first i need to change its Race 3) Ive done some quests and i found Dwemer Hyperion. Its some kind of exoskeleton that make you OP :D . It gives you speed, damage, jump height, ect. After i unequipt it i continued to move fast and since then i cant use table stuff (enchanter, alchemy table, weap. sharpener) 4) Before few days i tryed with one friend Tamriel Online. He made a server=>joins=>i put his IP in the right file=> go in game=> click " - " it says Connecting and after few seconds BAM im enjoying my desktop image :D . We tryed the opposite... no effect. Basicly the... non-host person is being crashed. I read some forums about C++ NetFramework but we have the latest version. Here is the list of all my plugins the way they are loaded. (X = inactive mod) Hope someone can help :D Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDownguard.esmHearthFire,esmDragonborn.esmMagicDuelReborn.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmRaceCompatibility.esmCampfire.esmX HighResTexturePack01.espX HighResTexturePack02.espX HighResTexturePack03.espX Unofficial High Resolution Texture Patch.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnofficial Downguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espCharacterMakingExtender.espEnchancedCharacterEdit.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espDragon FAlls Manor.espDwarmerColosseum.espSFO - Expanded Diversity.espzMirai.espX Marriable Serana.espX Marriable Serana HF.espX Lightining.espUNFU.espImmersive Dragonborn.espDragonCombarOverhaulDragonborn.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.espChesko_WearableLanter,espMagicDuelReborn - Shouts.espTeraHairWeightFix.espJaxonzMapMarkers.espBlackSacramentDBReplacer.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espCloacks.espImmersive Horses.espCraftable Horse Barding.espGR123 Castle.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espMannequins.espX Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.espImmersive Battles.espImmersive Dawnguard.espImmersive Travelers.espX Immersive Patrols.espX Immersive werewolves.espVampire SKin Color FIx.espDawnguard_Horses.espImmersive Brigands.espBlackSacramentArmor.espImmersive Factions.espX GypsyEyesCaravan.espLustmordVampireArmor.espX LB Lydia Armor.espSkyCompleteLegendary.espJaxonzEnhGrab.espSkyUI.espDVA - Dynamic Vamprie Appearance.espDragonCarverArmorSet.espCrimsonTwilightArmor.espDserArcheryGameplayOverhaul.espSBF Aela CBBE.espSBF Lydia.espX UniqueLydia.espUniqueLydiaArmor.espX UniqueLydiaArmorNoCloak,espX UniqueLydiaNoOutfit.espX UniqueLydiaSF.espX UniqueLydiaSFArmor.espX UniqueLydiaSFArmorNoCloak,espX UniqueLydiaSFNoOutfit.espnumenume elf ear.espImmersive Horses - Hearhfire Patch.espAncientTongueSword.espX Convenient Horses.espSara.espAncientTongieGreatSword.espX TERAArmors.espDaedric Reaper Armor.espUNP Spice Gear.espAK- Alternate Actors.espFollowerSha.espX Jahiya.espSivlerlight Armor.espSBF DB-Inisiate.espSBF Uthgerd.epsCloaks - Dawnguard.espIllustrois HDT Cloaks.espBVFE_Serana.espX Serana.espRaceMenuMorphsUUNP.espPredator Vision.espJaxonzRenamer.espTribunal Robes by Zairaam.espTribunal Maskes by Zairaam.espX LegendaryG(heavy).espArmageddon.espFooprints.espJaxonzOutfitter.espX LegendaryG(light).espAnimated Dragon Wings.espMoreDraconic Drago Aspect - Wings and Tail...imp_helm_legend.espEternalShneArmorAndWeapons.espKNM_Mour.espNS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.espGildergreen Regrown.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ruvuk Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Hi, Dragon, . . . I'm not the best person to talk about your problems, but I can tell you a couple of things from my experience with the game. Maybe you will have some different ideas about your problems after reading this. I have had some of the same problems that you describe. And I think you are correct that the OLD mods are the cause of some of the problems. Mods that are 3 or 4 years old can be very old in gaming. Skyrim is a great game, but it would have gone the way of all great games after a year or so, . . . IF not for the Creation Kit and the modding community. So Skyrim the game is really all about mods. And mods can take a lot of time and work. In that sense, Skyrim is not an easy game to play. And the RaceMenu mods? . . . Well, those are some of the absolute best game mods of all time--and not just for Skyrim, but for all games. So, sure, RaceMenu gets updated often. And improved often. Then there are the mods that work with RaceMenu; sometimes they get updated, other times not. And it's pretty much the player's job to stay on top of it all. It can be a lot of work, but nobody would play Skyrim for more than a few weeks if they were permanently stuck with the game's original avatars. Which means the guy who makes the RaceMenu mods should never hear any complaints! <lol> Kudos only! You asked about load order, . . . a popular tool to help with that is called LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool). But I think you should consider rebuilding your very old game from scratch. (Think how great it would be to have a totally together game configured just the way you want it.) You probably know about the excellent mod site called Skyrim GEMS (www.skyrimgems.com). Did you also know that the GEMS site has a really good, thorough, and intimidating guide to modding that will probably answer all of your questions? The guide is called "The Beginner's Guide to Modding Skyrim," but I don't think many beginners would do much with it. I'd be pleased if I'd done even half of what's recommended (and understood the other half :) ). Seriously, it's an excellent guide for everybody, not just beginners. The Guide, like everything else in or referenced by the GEMS site, has links for everything and lots of notes to help sort things. If I've been telling you what you already know, well, . . . tell me so, and I'll let some bandits shoot some extra arrows in me later when I play. :) Good luck getting your game sorted. :rolleyes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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