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The Immortal Horse... a true nightmare


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OK, I really need to know if anyone else has had this following problem, as it's been a curse on one of my characters for the past ~50 hours of gameplay.



There are POSSIBLE spoilers in this topic... only involving MINOR side quests, and I will do my very best to not spoil anything despite the following being of very little importance to anything at all in the game... (misc quest with non-essential / important characters...) If this sounds like it might cause you some grief, then simply do not continue reading.





It all started when I decided I wanted to join the thieves guild. I travel to Riften and start talking to some townsfolk. I had never been to Riften, let alone joined the thieves guild before, so I simply explored and communicated and whatnot.


I ran across some poor fool outside the local bar being badgered by some woman about a debt he owes her. He claims she had his shipment stolen and is still demanding payment for transportation (or whatever it was). I decide to help the man by intimidating this woman... and WOW did I make the biggest mistake EVER helping this man.


After Intimidating her, I went back to the Riften Stables (where he works) and he offered me some potion as reward... I'm not sure if this next part was included in the reward, but here goes:


I noticed after leaving the stables that the horses didn't say "Steal Horse"... they ALSO didn't say "PR4Y: Ride"... They simply said, "Horse: Ride". I thought to myself, COOL... I had other characters that had played around with horses, but I got very annoyed at how quickly they died, even to a pack of 2-3 wolves before I could even jump off and do away with the little pesks, so I gave up on horses and pretty much did everything on foot again. However, this was a chance to ride around on someone else's horse without stealing it, and without paying for it... NEAT!!!



So I hop on the horse and ride to my next quest marker and dungeon hop for a little bit, then fast travel back to Whiterun to store some of my loot at my Breezehome. After this point is when I started noticing the trouble. Every time I fast travel to anywhere but inside a Hold City... this horse follows me. It's like some kind of terrible nightmare from my past that I have to live over and over. I simply CAN. NOT. GET. RID. OF. THIS. HORSE.


I don't own the horse... I didn't steal the horse... I've killed the horse 500 times... I've let the horse DIE 500 times... I've even swam it into the northernmost section of the ocean in all of skyrim and teleported the f*** out of there in an attempt to DROWN the damn thing.






Someone, for the love of god, tell me you also have this problem? WHAT? CAN? I? DO? Honestly, I can't go anywhere without this horse popping up. I fast travel and try to sneak? TOO BAD, Horse runs straight at the enemy and dies immediately while giving away my position.


I could go on and on about my problems... but I simply don't know what to do anymore. ACTUALLY I just got an idea... I'm going to "coc qasmoke" and teleport the damn thing into the dev dungeon.... maybe that will work. I'll report back to you all later about that.




P.S. while i'm making a topic... are there any other "hidden" area's that are only accessable by the "coc" console command?



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I had that issue with Shadowmere. No matter how many times I killed him (mostly by cliff-diving), he would always turn up within a few game days. I also could not buy another horse or buy a dog.


I am on a new character now and I am staying away from the DB just because of this issue. If you find a solution (besides disable), I would be interested.


(Disable only keeps the game from showing the horse, it didn't fix my animal ownership problems at all.)

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Shadowmere definitely can die.

On only our second outing he ended up at Whiterun Glue Factory, after trying to get through a too-small doorway to help me out in a fight with a bandit chief, triggering off a swinging-log booby trap of all things. That was about 20 levels ago and haven't seen him since.

Mortal horses take much more punishment than that. I've seen a gang of 3 of them take down a dragon with their bare hooves.

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Shadowmere CAN die, but he will be reborn again after a few in-game days. He will rise up out of that tar pit in front of the first DB sanctuary you go to.


I've been trying that over about 20 levels but no luck. That is, at the original place near Falkreath, that was trashed, and Dawnstar. Are there any others I don't know about?

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