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how do you make a home yours


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Question, I have always wanted my own home in Riverwood. I know my wife has her shop with her brother there but I mean MY own player home. Now a guy died fighting a dragon and his house is wide open. How could I offically make that mine and store my stuff there. Maybe learn how to add some blacksmith and alchemy/enchant places as well?

Hope someone knows, thanks

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Well, without using the CK, you could just use the command 'setownership' on every item in the house, but this might only be temporary, and technically you'd still be trespassing as the command only affects items, not cells. Also, many containers would probably respawn, making it unsafe for storing.
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There are houses for sale in other parts of the world (Check here for details) but as far as grabbing a house that was occupied by an NPC that ISN'T part of the normal flow of the game.... that's a tad trickier.


It'd be a popular mod, though. Skyrim Estate Agency! Buy any house/business/building in the game! Be a land baron! Destabilize governments! Let unrestrained greed crash your game in new and interesting ways! ^_^

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What about the bed in Breezehome? I never seem to get the "Well Rested" perk when I use it (even for 24hrs) but I can get "well rested" after 10hrs in a rented inn bed !?!?! should I use 'setownership' on that bed to make sure it's mine?

There's two beds in Breezehome, one for you and one for Lydia. Don't sleep in Lydia's bed. (She gets twitchy and kicks in her sleep.)


If that's not the problem, I got nothin'.

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No, the single bed on the other side of the attic is hers (when you mouse over it, it should say something like "Bed (Owned)"). The double bed is yours. *WHY* Lydia spends most of her time in your room is a question for greater minds than mine. Me, I'd put her in the sitting area downstairs, or in the back yard training or something.
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