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Does anyone know the Author of the FemKaz Mod?


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This mod seem to be the prime proof of how MGS5 Models can be Extracted > Converted to a 3D Modeling Editor > Edited > Converted to Game Model Format > Return back into MGS5 archives.


So I was wondering if anyone can post a A to Z on How to Find a Model/Data/Texture, Extract a Model/Data/Texture, Convert a Model/Texture or Edit Data then return back into archives.

Cause from what I just tried -My SSD Wear Count went up- unpacking ".dat" Chunks, texture, 01, 00 and data...I don't understand (With File names all over the place and its not like your going to mod the whole game...so why extract the whole archive).


Anyways seeing as I most likely won't be modding MGS5 (Cause of the 60GB The Mod Tools use up and I don't have knowledge on Scripting, etc), here are the mods I wish to create.


Config & Show all iDroid Controls

INFO: What the Mod would do is allow you to change all keys in iDroid by adding them to Menu Assignment Section of Key Assignment Menu in Pause Menu (If not then through some .ini File using Virtual Keys)

- iDroid (As a secondary Config): Space/Enter/Select Key, ESC/Exit Key

- Map: Zoom In/Out/Switch, Reset Coordinates, Toggle Map/Nav

- Mother Base > Staff Management: Auto Assign, Sort, Select/Deselect aka Multi-Select, Direct Contact aka Lock Staff, Switch Disp


Bionic Arm Kits

INFO: What the Mod would do is give you 2 or more unique Bionic Arms or Bionic Arm Upgrades (So you can have Multi-Functions of 1 Bionic Arm)...also so how make it so Bionic Arms are available for all Soldiers

- Crossbone: Allow Player to equip extra Weapons or Items per upgrade (+2/4/6)

= Animation, Mesh & Texture Design: Allows Soldier to Pull Weapons out of their Hands (Would need Animation) the same way Skulls can (Lore way of Multiple Weapons Carry), and the Arm would be design with Female Parasite Glove and Male Parasite Forearm (Not Size from each, but the Design Detail from each, Black Bumpy Outer Forearm Mesh & White Strap Inner Forearm with Yellow Ring on Fingers & Female Knuckle Shape & Backhand detail on a Bionic Mesh), but in case anyone wants Female only, Male only or Male Glove w/Female Forearm Design then it would be available as well cause of the Gun Customization via Blacksmith, also the Arm still can be used as a Weapon. You will have Hip & Back weapon showing while Weapon is in Hand, but I think an Option to Hide Weapons would be nice.

= Weapon Equip GUI A: Sortie Prep > Select Equipment > Add "Bionic Arm Kit" to list (The Load Chart would have 6 Slots between Secondary & Support Weapons, like how others show, but only with the Names to save space)

= Or Weapon Equip GUI B or A+B: iDroid > Mother Base > Customize > Bionic Arm Kit (Use this to rearrange Weapons, but if your in Sortie and the Player equips weapons that aren't in loadout then It would require a Weapons Drop)


= Weapon Switch GUI A: Most weapons have a LIGHT ON/OFF and Suppressor ON/OFF key so if a Bionic Arm was given 2 column of Slots (1-3 Lights & 1-3 Suppressors) and multi-Tap Light/Suppresser to cycle (Tapx1 = Move to 1st Weapon, Tapx1 = From 1st to 2nd, etc) through Weapons so it Weapon be Secondary Weapon > Bionic Arm > Light (3 Weapons) or Suppressor (3 Weapons)...I wish I could make it so hold down a key = Dual Wield

= Or Weapon Switch GUI B: When you open your Primary or Secondary Weapon Switch, the weapon are the Top and Bottom like Support Items if it were a 4 axis...but then that means your Limited to 2 Primary & 2 Secondary more

= Or Weapon Switch GUI C: just make Primary & Secondary Weapon Switch have the same amount of slots as Support Weapons...though this means +2/4/6/8/10/12 Slots in the 6 Upgrades for putting 1 Slot more in Primary and Secondary each (Using Or Weapon Equip GUI B or A+B as Customize Weapon to Config which weapons to download onto arm)...


= Digitization Compress Method: aka Deployment Cost for or to Download each weapon into the arm or something (I can't explain it as lore with MGS5)

== Cost of Developing Arm (10K GMP only per Lvl) and Deploying (1K GMP) the Arm == Cost of Deploying the Digitized Weapons would go down per upgrade making 1 or more Weapons free

== Lvl1 (2 Slots) = Most Costly 1 isn't Free, 1 is Free

== Lvl2 (4 Slots) = Cheapest 2 isn't Free, 2 is Free

== Lvl3 (6 Slots) = Cheapest 3 isn't Free, 3 is Free

If Weapon Switch GUI C:

== Lvl4 (8 Slots) = Most Costly 3 isn't Free, 5 is Free

== Lvl5 (10 Slots) = Most Costly 2 isn't Free, 8 is Free

== Lvl6 (12 Slots) = Cheapest 1 isn't Free, 11 is Free

If these Cost can't be done

- Then Deployment cost Increase by 2000 per level (Level 3 =7K GMP and Level6 =13K GMP)


- Vertical Gripper (This idea came after, had to rethink Crossbone): Allows player to climb any vertical surface (Like Zelda Breath of Wild or GTA5 Grab Anything Mods aka Using Ragdoll)...cause from what I thought I saw in commercial was no predetermined "ladders"...nope (Supply Drop on little house couldn't hope on roof or climb on cardboard box like in Peace Walker...I don't know)


Develop Suppressor Kit as Item

INFO: Basically an Item like Cigar, that recharges/repairs/refills suppressors and only upgrades Suppressor 1 Level up if equipped/in inventory like armor.

Just as the The Suppressor Case does when you walk by it instead you can use it within your Items Wheel and it also bumps the level of suppressor up (I just found out Lvl3 = Infinite...Why didn't they Spread it out...15 Upgrades and they couldn't put 5 Upgrades for Suppressor)

= Lvl1 = Have 1 Backup Suppressor Refill (This Refills all Suppressors)

= Lvl2 = Increases all Suppressor Lvl1 to Lvl2

= Lvl3 = Adds 1 Backup Suppressor Refill

= Lvl4 = Adds 2 Backup Suppressor Refills (With Crossbone Mod then it would Add 2 Refills on Lvl3 & 4 Refills on Lvl4)

= Lvl5 = Increases all Suppressor Lvl1 to 2, Lvl2 to 3, but not Lvl1 to 2 to 3

- Deployment Cost per Level: Lvl1 =500, Lvl2 & 3 =1500, Lvl4 & 5 =3000

- Develop Cost per Level: Lvl1 =5000, Lvl2 & 3 =15000, Lvl 4 & 5 =30000


Other than That

- Shoot and Drive, being able to Snipe out of a stopped Jeep is something that only Movies seem to be capable of doing

- Metal Rex as Vehicle

- Other Bionic Kits: Chain Knuckle (Long Range CDC), LaserShot (Megaman Buster), Dragonbreath (Flamethrower)

- True Ocelot & Quiet (With Unique Abilities and all)

- (Swamp Snake DLC) Water we can boat on and swim, being able to deploy through Ocean, sea battles with Submarines/Battleships/Planes/Skidoos, war room and huge drop off many Soldier on land and siege a place (The reason that was probably left out was related to D-Day)

Edited by Lukong1515
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Yes, this mod was done by Shigu (noShigu, here on Nexus). He's a well known modder. However, the mod probably wasn't done exactly the way you think.


What was likely done, was the model was extracted and brought into 3DS Max using this maxscript.


From there, you can select a section of the mesh and output its original vertex data using another maxscript such as this one made by HeartlessSeph.You can then change the vertices' positions in 3DS Max and output the new vertex data with the same script.


After that, the process is fairly simple, you open up a hex editor and drop in the model, and the files containing the original and edited vertex data. You then search for the original vertex data and replace it with the modified data. Done! You've edited the model without ever actually changing the format of the model.


For converting textures to an editable format and back, it's even more simple. Use the FtexTool to convert them to a .dds, edit them, then use the FtexTool to convert them back.


The mod tools themselves don't take up much space, it's the extracted game data that does.


Most of the mod ideas listed here aren't possible for the time being, except for, maybe, the drawing guns from their hands animation one. However, we are getting pretty close to a perfectly playable Quiet with abilities. See this video for an example. It will be released as part of my Multi Quiet Player Mod.

Edited by BobDoleOwndU
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Would it be possible then to use that sort of method to create something like a female avatar? I would assume you could use it with the bionic arm as well. Of course the only problem then would be the head, but I assume you could simply find a way to port a head model from another character (is it possible to port from MGO characters for instance?)

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