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NMM keeps breaking. Games become unplayable after updates.


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I already had this issue one before with NMM updating and breaking Fallout 4. But I didn't much like FO4 anyways so I uninstalled. But now because of yet another gosh danged update Skyrim is now broken. I'm annoyed with the constant updating and need for NMM to uninstall and reinstall all my mods every gosh danged day but because it was doing it properly, I was fine with it. Now with the most recent update, it uninstalled all my mods from the mods tab but the plugin check boxes remained. This is the same thing that happened when FO4 broke so it raised an immediate red flag. It finished reinstalling all the mods in the mods tab, I had to hand install a couple that NMM missed but that's fine. But THEN, I went to play and it was just black screen. So relogged my comp and loaded NMM back up only to find YET ANOTHER update waiting for me. Is NMM trolling me? HUH!? Because this is friggin' annoying. I went through with this update but told it not to reinstall the mods. I figured I'd go through my mods and see if I installed one incorrectly. Well, I can't even install non SKSE mods such as Magicka Sabers. The gosh danged update broke the files. NMM thinks all the mods are installed but none of them actually are. All I wanted to do was play some Skyrim but NO, NMM has other plans.

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