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good swim animation?


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[uPDATE: I FOUND THE LOST SWIMMING ANIMATIONS, SO NO REASON TO READ FURTHER. Well, unless you happen to know of some good swimming animations I could try. Love to swim; swam in college. :) ]




Thanks for having a look.


I've been playing Skyrim "since forever."


My computer melted about a week ago; I'm stuck using a pokey laptop for the next 2 months. I'll live, but it's going to be long 2 months.


I'm playing Skyrim with almost no mods except SkUI, Racemenu, and human body meshes/tex. And some armor.


It's kind of fun, actually, seeing so much of the original game again.


But seeing the original swimming animation was grim. (I used to make myself stay in 1st-person when swimming I would see the pitiful-looking guy that was supposed to be me swimming.) I finally found a swimming animation mod, and I've been using it every day since.


When I searched for a swimming mod, I found a boatload of sexy swimsuits, but the only animation mod that surfaced was one for mermaids. I'll try the mermaids (merguys) animation, but I'd sure like to find my old one or something similar. (I've been searching my download history, but no joy yet.)


Also, the swimming animations that I used before were just animation files that I added to my game. No FINIS was needed.


If anybody's got a swimming mod, would you mind giving me the link? I know this is a hassle. But if you have the time to fool with this, . . . thank you, OK?



Edited by ruvuk
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