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TW2 Armor and Weapons


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Hey guys and gals. Since we already have Triss's, Geralt's and Iorveth's armor available, why not go all the way. If it's possible I would really like to see some, if not most of the weapons and armor (especially Geralt's unique steel and silver swords) come to Skyrim. TW2 has a vast resource of arms and armor that would add a lot of good content to an already great game if it's not too much trouble to convert over (I have no idea, I'm not a 'modder'). There's even a crossbow and I believe I've seen several requests for those. Just an idea here, don't know if anyone is willing to put the effort into taking this on, but it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all you who share your wonderful work that you create for these games and that the majority of us so much enjoy.
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