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Different weather through room markers?


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The Question: Can I determine weather effects (To be more precise the pollen mist from blackreach) through room markers? I know that, and how, I can set the lightning in room markers, but didn't found an option for the weather. The reason I need this is because I have a cell which is partitioned between a cave-like area with shrooms and a "real interior" dwemer-like building. They're sewed closely together, so I can't divide them into different cells. The goal would be to have the "cave" with the blackreach weather effect, but the "interiors" of the ruins without it.


Another, maybe even better solution would be to have it as an fx-mesh, (room markers could get really messy) like the falling snow, or the rain which are both used in many caves with holes in the ceiling. Unfortunataly it seems to be non-existent?


Edit: I've just seen that the I postet this topic in the wrong thread, ups. I'm sorry.

Edited by Shurugar
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Yeah, mist wouldn't be the problem, the thing I don't know how to implement are the pollen.. I've found them only in the weather effect of blackreach, no where else (maybe they're somewhere, and I was just unluckily looking over them). Do you know by any chance if it would be possible to "extract" them and implement them as a fx?

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