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I wish t mod but ....


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I want to make my own madness sword or armor .... but i dont even know where to begin .... what programs i need ? how to make a 3D wersion ? how to rap it up with my own texture ... which i don't know how to make as well... :unsure: is there any word doc or something ? or could any one be my teacher ? :unsure:
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If you looked at the links there are several tutorials called like "Making new armor using NifSkope" (and NifSkope tutorials in general), "3ds Max/NifSkope: Custom Weapons" and several retexturing tutorials...Most of these will also use tools and/or programs outside of the CS, but I'd assume the ones you need are mentioned in the tutorial you are going to follow (if any).
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You will need to know the construction set modding in order to use any other program to get your new items into the game. It will really suck to have made a new sword after spending 20 or more hours learning Blender, then find out you have to start all over again with the CS because your new toy is not compatible for some obscure reason.


So, learn the CS first, then if you find you can't do what you want there, move on up to Nifscope, Blender and Gimp for more advanced stuff. But you will still have to use the CS to get your stuff into the game.


My personal favorite for 3d modeling is Blender. It has a very good on line tutorial that can be downloaded as a PDF if you don't have high speed.

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You have to use the construction set to put anything into the game. That's why I recommend starting there.


First, is your new sword in .nif format? do you have the .dds files (2 needed) for every color and shade? If not you will need to do that first, then you can load it into the CS and from there into the game. I am not familiar with Milkshape so I don't know if it exports files in .nif or not. Most 3d programs do though.

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