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Spells, Spiderwebs, Unrelenting Force not showing up properly


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I just got skyrim two days ago for PC and everything seemed perfect until I used my Flames spell, while in third person i couldn't see the flames in my hands and in first person I could only see the fireball in my hands, in both views when i used it I only saw the "heat" but not the flames. At first I thought it was something to do with my graphics but as soon as i did the Bleak Falls quests when i found the guy trapped by the spider webs i could only see him floating in the air but only the outline of the webs, this is when i first noticed something was wrong.


After i searched online for the past two days I've found that many other people have had these problems(in addition i discovered that my map was extremely blurry and there wasn't much detail), after looking for solutions and trying EVERYTHING that has worked for others and then some none of my problems are fixed yet. Ive tried switching my setting around to almost every possible configuration and Ive updated my graphics drivers both through windows and the manufacturer website(I have a ATI Radeon HD 3600 series) but even that didn't work.


Id also like to point out that I haven't updated the game because I'm not sure how, like i said i bought it two days ago and then i installed it, nothing popped up so i assume everything is up to date. I have a steam account but skyrim isn't on steam(i tried to add it and it told me my product key isn't valid). I'm thinking that if skyrim isn't up to date that there must be a fix for this in one of the updates. Can someone please help me? im really frustrated that my spells and furthermore my map isn't showing or working correctly and about ready to return this game and just stick to the 360.


PS: I'd post screen shots but like i said steam wont let me put in my product key so im kind of screwed especially since i cant seem to paste the screenshot onto paint

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i am having simmilar probs. im on a radeon hd 2xxx series. now im not sure if it has to do with som defect with the game and any (or a select few) of the radeon hd series, but from what ive read it almost has to be somthing with radeon, im almost positive. now dnt bash me if its not the reason, im not sure, almost but not 100%, but i am hoping ther will b a patch of some sort (or mod) to fix this problem we have on are hands.






its a mod/patch. it workd on my computer. now i do say it is a tad bit laggy, but with som adjustments to my settings i bet i can get it to full speed. just download and install as directed. god its good so see spells and watter once more :)

Edited by XianTiell
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i am having simmilar probs. im on a radeon hd 2xxx series. now im not sure if it has to do with som defect with the game and any (or a select few) of the radeon hd series, but from what ive read it almost has to be somthing with radeon, im almost positive. now dnt bash me if its not the reason, im not sure, almost but not 100%, but i am hoping ther will b a patch of some sort (or mod) to fix this problem we have on are hands.






its a mod/patch. it workd on my computer. now i do say it is a tad bit laggy, but with som adjustments to my settings i bet i can get it to full speed. just download and install as directed. god its good so see spells and watter once more :)


Holy jesus it worked like a charm! immediatly noticed a HUGE difference on the loading screen,ahhh it feels soo good to see fire and map detail again. Thank you sooomuch, a few minor issues but they were in the patch notes as known bugs so its all right. Thanks again:)

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i am having simmilar probs. im on a radeon hd 2xxx series. now im not sure if it has to do with som defect with the game and any (or a select few) of the radeon hd series, but from what ive read it almost has to be somthing with radeon, im almost positive. now dnt bash me if its not the reason, im not sure, almost but not 100%, but i am hoping ther will b a patch of some sort (or mod) to fix this problem we have on are hands.






its a mod/patch. it workd on my computer. now i do say it is a tad bit laggy, but with som adjustments to my settings i bet i can get it to full speed. just download and install as directed. god its good so see spells and watter once more :)


Holy jesus it worked like a charm! immediatly noticed a HUGE difference on the loading screen,ahhh it feels soo good to see fire and map detail again. Thank you sooomuch, a few minor issues but they were in the patch notes as known bugs so its all right. Thanks again:)



here is the web address to the mod enb site


------------------ http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm


and if ur gettn purple fire and such (normally spell related) here is a fix sorta thing


------------------ http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46


and since u already have the patch installed from above just drag the .fx files where u placed the patch from the last segment i gave u. workd for me idk about u.


best of luck!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, this little download does not work for me.


I checked in quite a few places, but Skyrim now refuses to start. Removing the added files makes it work once more, however, I can't see any cool effects (like the fire, and, specifically, the rays of light in the Dwarven Oculory. Can't really solve the puzzle without it..



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