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Item modifier


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Hello, I'm looking for a way to alter my ingame items without using console commands!

Is there any mod/program to do this?

(The real thing im after is to enchant an (mod)armour and since it's an mod skyrim wont recognize the "ID"nr of the item.)

Help much appreciated!

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I'm a bit hard pressed to understand what it is you actually want here.


As far as modded armor and weapons, the only time you can't enchant them is if the no enchant flag is set or it already has an enchantment on it. It's the same for all items, both vanilla and custom items. Also, I don't see much of a different between using a console command or using a mod or some external program to make changes. In fact, if yo ucan do it with the console, it's a lot easier. /shrug

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Ah but the problem is that its a new armor, so I tried finding out its base ID by clicking on it while in console but that didnt work.

I guess I could make myself 100 in enchanting and give myself a few grand soul gems....which means my question now is pretty irelevant. But I guess thanks for getting me to think in other ways!

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I created a whole new set of NG armor, blade and bow, all are able to be improved and enchanted, so just because it's new means nothing.

Also, clicking on an item will give you the reference ID, not the Object ID. You can get the object ID in the console by typing:


help "name of item" 4


This should give you the item as it is in memory and its object ID.

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