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Realistic Water Problem - Wyrmstooth is missing / CRASH /


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Hi there,


after installing Realistic Water my skyrim does crash constantly on start up. The Problem seems to have something with Realistic Water since it says that Wyrmstooth.esp and Falskaar.esp is missing. I couldn't find those files I hope someone can help me with this I'm not that into modding.

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Reinstall Realistic water 2 and uncheck the Falskaar and Wymstooth options :smile:


Edit : On Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organser right click on the file and Reinstall.

If you not sure how to do that then go to your load order which will be Data files on your skyrimlauncher and uncheck Realisticwater2falskaar.esp and realisticwater2wymstooth.esp (Probably not correct names but would be called something similar)

Edited by forskyrimmods
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