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[LE] Please Help: Mysterious Missing Environment Map in the Skyrim Creation Kit

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Hello, all! I'm relatively new to making mods for games, and I recently released my second mod to the Skyrim Nexus called "Suspicious Cave Ruin."

(link: www.nexusmods.com/Skyrim/mods/80527/?)

The problem that was pointed out to me by a good fellow gamer was that the Septimus Cave was missing the floor and the ceiling, for that matter. Two different cave pieces mysteriously got removed somehow, even though I didn't use them for my mod, since my mod doesn't involve ice textures. Also, I didn't use any cave that uses the following ice cave meshes/textures as a resource;


When I clicked "preview" on either of these items in the Creation Kit, I get the following message:

meshes\Dungeons\Dwemer\Animated\DweRepository\CaveIShaftTopDoor01.nif : CaveIShaftTopDoor01:2 is missing an environment map

Please help me restore the cave parts, since this mod has taken me quite a few hours to create. I appreciate any help received, as I am very new at the modding game.

Thanks a bunch, in advance, and have a good one!

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Nevermind. I was able to fix this through the TESVEditor. All I had to do was open it up in the editor, and remove the Cell thread that involved the Septimus Signus's Outpost changes that were mysteriously made in the Creation Kit...Maybe this will help someone in the future.

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