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Telescope/Spy Glass


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I think most of them are all too busy making different kinds of skimpy and/or very revealing armor or other such mods at the moment. We'll have to wait some more time for a mod like this to come out, when the nude mod popularity goes down just a tad little bit. Edited by KotetsuRyu
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While both those ideas are interesting, neither would fit the way I want to play my current character. The first one is too high tech for the world, in my opinion (would be awesome to have if it weren't for the fact that I like immersion during my serious play through). Perhaps something I would use when I'm just messing around.


The second... Well, the character I'm currently playing, I'm trying to avoid any magical means of playing. My character is not magical in any way. Once again it would be awesome, were my character to use magic.


Right now, I want a spyglass, or something alike it, no magic involved.

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I tried just for fun. Here is what I have.


1. A seperate modified version of the Eagle eye perk to zoom a little farther, marked as hidden named SpyGlassPerk

2. A weapon based on a bow, not trying to be fancy. On the weapon I have the following extremely simple script.


Scriptname SpyGlassScript extends ObjectReference

{Spyglass Script}

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

game.getplayer.addperk SpyGlassPerk

Debug.messagebox("We were equipped by the player!")




Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)

if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()

game.getplayer.addperk SpyGlassPerk

Debug.Messagebox("We were unequipped from the player!")




litterally mostly copy/pasted from creationkit.com, right down to the debug messages.

On equip, gives you the perk,

On unequip removes the perk.


I haven't attempted to get good at papyrus yet, so I get the error:

SpyGlassScript.psc(12,19): no viable alternative at input 'addperk'

No output generated for SpyGlassScript, compilation failed.


I'm pretty sure this is just from game.getplayer not being the correct object type, or not being casted correctly to allow access to the addperk function or some such thing. I also don't have the player, or the function as any sort of properties on the weapon. Maybe this would help. One of my first instincts, as someone who's been neck deep in building quests for the past few weeks, is to make a dummy quest, make the player an alias, and use that to make sure I'm referencing the object right, but I'm pretty sure that's excessive.


That's what I have, if anyone wants to take a look, or post this in another thread that's more relevant, feel free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would use it for not only identifying what is what, but for planning out my assault on a fort, camp, etc. Maybe I'm the only person who likes to play the game with a bit of thought? o.o


Nope, you're not the only one. I like to do the same myself, even when I don't feel it is necessary, because, if nothing else, it is fun. I'm totally on board with the spyglass Idea.



I'm still really trying hard to figure out why, since Archer Type is mentioned, Eagle Eye wouldn't suffice. I suppose since it doesn't consume stamina. But you can play smart in many ways. By level 40, I had every word of Unrelenting Force...since most keeps (for example) have at least one raised part of terrain around the outer walls, I could just perch myself on one, use the shout, knock some guy off the ledge, use Aura Whisper, cast invisibility, since I had the two perks in the Eagle Eye tree, I could quickly run to the entrance of the keep and one shot every person that walked out.

With spell casters, it was even easier...if I really wanted to know what I was up against I'd just fire an iron arrow at somebody on the balcony and see what they're called...


I like the idea, I really do. I probably wouldn't use it, but it's cool. I can see it in Skyrim, just as well. It just doesn't seem like it would really turn the tides of a battle, for me at least. :psyduck:



This is because you don't seem to play the game with the same mindset as some of us. That is not to say you are playing wrong or something but you don't seem to get why people want a spyglass; the reason being, it makes the game feel more authentic and realistic for some, even if it doesn't necessarily "turn the tides of battle". You mentioned firing an arrow to see what they are... well that is a precise example of your different mindset. The people in favor of a spy glass want to approach the game like it is at least somewhat real (hence Role-Playing) and since when do you have a HUD that tells you what you just hit in real life with the arrow you just fired. Sure, your method works, but it doesn't accomplish the ends in the way some of us want to. That is all.

Edited by ThyHarrowing
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Oh and by the way if it wasn't already obvious, I approve of this mod idea for sure. +1 vote from me.


Edit: Embarrassingly enough, I only just realized how long this topic has been around, and how old the stuff I responded to is... woops. I wish I had experience in modding because I would love to help out. I bet some of you already thought of this but, all I can think of to contribute is that if the spyglass and its behavior (equipable-ness, positioning, etc.) can't be created from scratch, it could be using the rules already made for shields so all that would have to be made is the spyglass actual form and the zoom feature. There's a mod that uses this idea called "Equip-able Maps" on steam. Wish I could be of more help.

Edited by ThyHarrowing
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