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Telescope/Spy Glass


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I'm still really trying hard to figure out why, since Archer Type is mentioned, Eagle Eye wouldn't suffice. I suppose since it doesn't consume stamina. But you can play smart in many ways. By level 40, I had every word of Unrelenting Force...since most keeps (for example) have at least one raised part of terrain around the outer walls, I could just perch myself on one, use the shout, knock some guy off the ledge, use Aura Whisper, cast invisibility, since I had the two perks in the Eagle Eye tree, I could quickly run to the entrance of the keep and one shot every person that walked out.

With spell casters, it was even easier...if I really wanted to know what I was up against I'd just fire an iron arrow at somebody on the balcony and see what they're called...


I like the idea, I really do. I probably wouldn't use it, but it's cool. I can see it in Skyrim, just as well. It just doesn't seem like it would really turn the tides of a battle, for me at least. :psyduck:

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But...every perk is available to every "class". That's the beauty of it.

There are just some perks out there that I don't see why nobody would want to take.


Like....Alteration: Magic Resistance, Restoration: Magic Regeneration+The perk that regenerates stamina as well (especially good for "fighter" "class"). For straight magic using characters, archery seems like a good martial fallout, since it's ranged.


I'm all for added, handy content, but if I had this, I still wouldn't choose it over the perk. Guess that's just me. :mellow:

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But see, you have to spec into the class and use it just to get to that perk. If I want to roleplay and be a strict dual-dagger rogue, then I wouldn't use archery to get the eagle eye perk. Nor would I use magic. On a couple characters, I like to completely ignore the main quest, so I don't even have shouts available to me.
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Right, but it's not as though you're losing anything by taking a couple perks which only enhance you. There again; if there's one spell that I've never stopped using, it's muffle. I've used it for just about every character. I guess it's just a good example of how unique everybody's gaming experience and playing style is in this game, since ours seems to fairly differ. :laugh: Edited by Allephus
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