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More Than Morbid......Keep the head


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I just cut the head off that poor bandit. Poor girl, she was cute too. I bet she would look great on my mantelpiece. Let's pick up that head and take it home, I can put it on display for all my friends (and enemies) about how it felt when my sword went through her neck.


(I warned the viewer how morbid the idea was in my title.)

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You know how bandits can respawn after a certain amount of time?


I wish we could put mutilated bodies/heads on pikes outside the castle/cave. This will lower the likelihood that bandits come back and, if they do, they might lose morale and run when you reappear. :D


I dunno. :P


EDIT: Also... how can the Jarl/person be sure you killed off the bandits? They should make it so that you have to bring them the head of the enemy.


Oh... and I wish you could equip the head and use it as a club. >>;

Edited by phantur
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That'd be awesome. SOMETHING that would be intimidating, since evidently Daedric Armor, Dragonplate Armor, Nightingale Armor, and all of the other menacing/semi-menacing looking armors don't seem to phase anybody in the slightest.


It'd be great to actually be able to intimidate a guard right out of taking me to jail. :biggrin:

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