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Bardic Knowledge


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I'd really like somebody to add an Active Effect for the Bard's College in Solitude. Bardic Knowledge seems appropriate.

With it, all skills are learned 5% quicker.


Or, perhaps it could be similar to the Nightingale "perks".

Bardic Appraisal: Prices are 25% better.

Bardic Knowledge: All skills are learned 10% quicker.

Bardic Lore: Gain 50% more experience from Skill Books.


Or something to the extent of.


When the CK is released, I'd also really like somebody to add playable instruments. This would allow you to collect a small amounts of gold as NPCs would walk up and toss coins at your feet for each song you play. You could do it anywhere. A bar, in the city streets. On the road.


For a later time:

Add the feature of putting a band together and have some kind of feature (such as the one in Lord of the Rings: Online) that allows you to put your own music in the game and play it as it would sound with the instrument that you're playing it with in the game.



Would any of this be possible? Wanted?

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