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The Maze


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taken from my bethesda forum: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1329025-the-maze/



you go to a tavern and find a man who would like to talk to you, he orders you a drink and you sit down to talk about an idea he has. he says he wants you to be dropped in the middle of a maze and you will have to find your way out b4 a huge monster (Minotaur?) will find you and kill you. you ask him what will you get for doing such dangerous task? he says "your life" in an eerie voice. then everything fades and you wake up in the middle of the maze. the bastard drugged you! well nothing to do now but escape b4 the monster finds you and kills you.


to make things worse all you have in your inventory is a note and a stick. the note says: "if you want your stuff back, and your life, get out of the maze before the monster finds you. your stuff are in a chest. to show you i am not a bad man i gave you a stick to defend yourself in case the monster finds you first.


...also, keep an eye out for a chest that is located somewhere in this maze, it contains a very powerful artifact that might even save your life"


so you have two choices.. look for the exit, or look for the artifact first.




if you find the chest that contains the artifact all you find is a note. you read the note and it says:


"here lies the best of all.

it doesn't power you, or make you tall.

won't make you smarter, or teach you math..




...theres nothing here, and it makes me laugh!"

Edited by lichy123
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