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Love Skyrim, hate my character at the moment


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As always, I jump into a game with little information and start playing. I put my skills into where I wanted to go as a character. I got a little bored with it because I pretty much walked through any encounter with little chance of dying. I upped the difficulty and what ever. Then, I come across Deadly Dragons mod which pointed me to PISE. This changed the game tremendously. Not knowing everything these 2 mods throw out, I did not pay attention to how much more intense it is. I died 3 times rather quickly because creatures/humanoids block more and heal themselves. I am also taking in far more damage. Then, I encounter an Elder Ancient Dragon. I have Hard Dragons + PISE as the install. The dragon picked me up in her mouth and spit me out. I did not even get a hit in on 5 fights (at least none that moved the health bar).


Now that I am in love with the game, I hate my character. I am level 43 now. My Smithing is near 100. I have had to farm Enchant and Alchemy to get them to 100. I am about 15 away on each. I will still need 5-7 levels of perks in order to make weapons and gear to fight dragons again. My little 40 damage sword and 40 damage mace are useless against most mid to boss level fights.


I will have to start crafting some gear and then create new gear once I max out those crafting skills. I can't wait to get to that level to be able to fight one of these dragons again.

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That sounds really fun, actually. One of the letdowns with the game is that after about lvl 40, not much is able to challenge me. My smithing is at 85 and my enchanting at 65, and I hardly see a need to go any higher as it is. There's not much sense of anticipation. On the other hand, it seems that with the mods you are running, the game is a fun challenge again.
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