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A Mjoll appreciation thread


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First and possibly most important, Mjoll is gracious when asked to carry something.


Second, ignoring the fact that tons of random NPCs and female soldiers have the same VA, she has an adorable accent.


Third, While not as pretty as Lydia, she is cute.


Fourth, she actually has a personality and backstory. Granted, she like everyone with random dialogue barks even when you're talking to someone else (eff you Bethesda for not thinking of turning off barks when in dialogue)


Fifth, she's not that *censored* Lydia. She is decently leveled unlike Lydia who is weak as hell. She is essential from the start so no accidentally killing her with an arrow like Lyds. When I realized this my first mission with each new playthrough has been to do her companion quest and leave Lydia to keep house in Whiterun like a good maid.

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I rather liked Mjoll but had to give her up for incessant chatting. Her being essential bothered me too because it left me little to do at times as she tanked around. Reminded me of Vilja somewhat but I still visit her from time to time for a drink :)
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She is an interesting character. She is very pious. Very much opposed to crime and general wrongdoing. However she used to be an adventurer like you. Until she lost her sword. You know she has spilled her fair share of blood in the days. Her sword is even named 'sever' in case one would forget what its function was. And do not tell me each and everyone of those that got mjolled deserved a premature grave.


So there is something there. Is she remorseful about her past? How strong is her devotion to do good? A small layer of veneer or is she really incorruptible? Can she be triggered to become bloodthirsty again?

Edited by Sheralynn
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I rather liked Mjoll but had to give her up for incessant chatting. Her being essential bothered me too because it left me little to do at times as she tanked around. Reminded me of Vilja somewhat but I still visit her from time to time for a drink :)



I am married to her and to me she is the most beautiful girl in all of Skyrim and initially i really liked her accent, but she talks too much and it becomes a little grating on the ears, especially since there are many others with the exact same voice without any variances.


But i will say, she is very lethal in combat. I used to have dueling sessions with her and admittedly she would kill me some times, though they were all fair fights, no shouts or healing. I dare to say she is a little too strong to be a companion.


Still we live happily in Riften and she cooks good hot meals for me while i'm out slaying dragons with my new buddy Kharjo.

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I married Mjoll on my 2nd playthrough. She's quite amazing really, we can be away for days at a time but she always cooks and her apparently mobile store has always "med a bit uv guld" every time I ask for some cash to tide me over.


Soon solved the 'Aerin the Gooseberry' problem by moving to Breezehome, asking her to follow me then telling her to wait. Loverboy made his way back to Riften, sadly coming second in an argument with a fireball half a mile outside Whiterun. So far no repercussions although I'm sure I've heard muttered references to my connections wit the Dark Brotherhood. Haven't dared tell her I'm it's boss.


It's also easier to face up to Olfina Gray-Mane's scornful taunts, because they don't come much stronger or Nordier than my missus! lol

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Loverboy made his way back to Riften, sadly coming second in an argument with a fireball half a mile outside Whiterun. So far no repercussions although I'm sure I've heard muttered references to my connections wit the Dark Brotherhood. Haven't dared tell her I'm it's boss.




It is creepy how he pops up when you dismiss her though. Makes me wonder if he's stalking us while we adventure. :ohdear:

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