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Vampire Overhaul


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This may be not immune, and increased protection. Return of damage at a low level. Play Vampire interesting, especially with a quality mod. But the game itself is not only about vampires. Play only at night, sooner or later get bored. In addition, if this is a perk or a quest, no one makes it to use. I myself would use it not at once.
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i love the vampire style and i think this mod would be amazing.

since i love vampires so much, would be fun if you could add 2 files, which one of then would make a new level last level overpowered as hell.

here is my tweeks for the lvl 7.



*LEVEL 7 – Draculean (Ultimate form) (attainable after feeding 400 times)



+ Resistance to Disease 100%

+ Resistance to Poison 100%

+ Resistance to Frost 100%

+ Resistance to Magic 70%

+ Resistance to Physical Damage 70%

+ Damage Dealt and Block increased by 60%

+ Max Health, Stamina and Magicka increased by 150pt

+ Carry Weight increased by 200pt

+ Speechcraft increased by 125pt

+ Sneak increased by 140%

+ Increased Sprint+

+ Any spell costs 90% less

+ Eating Human Hearts restores full Health, Magicka and Stamina and increases them by 25% for 8 minutes. Moreover Damage Dealt, Block and Resistance to Physical damage are increased by 10%

+ Eating Daedric Hearts restores full Health, Magicka and Stamina and increases them by 50%. Moreover Damage Dealt, Block and Resistance to Physical Damage are increased by 25%



+ Weakness to Fire 60%

+ Weakness to Silver Weapons 25%

+ Weakness to Garlic-Poisoned Weapons 20%

+ Daylight prevents the vampire from regenerating Health, Magicka or Stamina, BUT does not prevents the usage of his powers.

+ Being seen transforming adds 2500 gold to your bounty

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..Just a thought many of the posters are asking for HUGE buffs in vampire form. The game is already very easy I don't really see how making it even less challenging will make it any more fun. I wouldn't add in any buffs that are not more than countered by a disadvantage.
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..Just a thought many of the posters are asking for HUGE buffs in vampire form. The game is already very easy I don't really see how making it even less challenging will make it any more fun. I wouldn't add in any buffs that are not more than countered by a disadvantage.

Nice to have some others say the same thing. We them to be super powerful but which each of their strengths they must be equally balanced by their weaknesses.

Thank you,

- MM

Unsure of the eating thing. To me, the lifeforce needed to animate the vampire is in the blood. If the victim is dead, there's is no lifeforce within it. I know there are warrior sects (not vampire) that eat the hearts of their enemies to gain their powers but I'm not sold on this.




+ Weakness to Fire 60% - 100% see above

+ Weakness to Silver Weapons 25% 100% see above

+ Weakness to Garlic-Poisoned Weapons 100%

+ Daylight prevents the vampire from regenerating Health, Magicka or Stamina, BUT does not prevents the usage of his powers.Maybe regains some spells....lower levels one.

+ Being seen transforming adds 2500 gold to your bounty


Some things I ask you to consider:


I think we can twist the numbers this way and that. How about some interesting ideas based on lore that aren't just simple stat tweaks.


As mentioned above, at Dawn's hour , Noon hour, Dusk hour, and throughout the first two hours BEFORE and AFTER midnight, He has lowererd mage costs at least for Conjuration and Illussion Spells.



Edited by MofoMojo
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I'm glad to see someone is working on something similar to what I had in mind: a mod that would add a separate leveling system to vampires that is independant of player level and vamp 'stages'. Here are my thoughts on some of the ideas being tossed around:


I like the idea that all the vanilla abilities, i.e Vampire sight, Vamp Thrall, etc. etc. (and perhaps a few more like the ideas you guys had for LightSap, etc.) would be unlocked only after a requisite number of feedings. By feedings though, I don't mean you could go drain the guard barracks in Whiterun and then simply use the wait function to level up. The counter for the number of feedings should be based on how many times your thirst has been sated rather than on the number of individual victims. So that means you'd have to wait until you hit at least stage 2 before the next feeding could count. You could also set the npcs to have a chance of discovering you if you tried to sate your thirst in the same place twice in a row (which would aggro the whole town/area, or something). This would add some balance to being able to simply rush to level up, so that you'd level up as a vampire somewhat proportionally to how you level up and advance in the main game.

For example: After say, 25 feedings and at least a week's game time, you could progress from neophyte to apprentice. And then after 35 more feedings and an extra two weeks game time, you'd advance to vampire adept (or whatever you may want to call a level 3 vamp). Each new vamp level would unlock new abilities or simply more powerful versions of previous abilities. Every new vampire would start with Vampire sight, but it would have a limited range at first; apprentices would see farther, adepts yet farther still- masters could see extremely far. Vampire Seduction, Vampire Thrall, Invisibility, Dread Cloak, etc. would all be unlocked at later levels and scaled in power based on specific level. For example, Dread Cload might be unlocked at Adept level, but the Master level version of it would do even more damage than its lower-level counterpart. Same principle ought to be applied to all abilities, and perhaps totally new abilities could be created for the highest levels of vampirism- to make Master vamps truly awesome. You could use that system in conjunction with a perk system (great idea!) to increase the potency of each ability even further. So leveling up could show a prompt like this: "After extensive experience and thirst satiation, your vampiric faculties have increased. You are now an adept vampire. You have learned Dread Cloak, and the power of previously learned abilities has intensified."


I agree with the idea that older vampries should be more powerful, and as they get progressively more powerful, better and better abilities and stats are gradually unlocked. So I like with the structure you guys seem to be going for. Anyway, the vampire stages could stay intact and still apply a penalty to stats like they do in vanilla, except I think that the penalties should decrease as you gain vamp levels. So a master vampire might be able to go for longer without feeding or allow it (eg. at stage 4) not to affect him/her as much, whereas a neophyte would need to feed often or suffer more drastic penalties. A master vamp should be able to almost totally withstand sunlight and move during the day without attracting attention, whereas a neophyte might get fried like an egg and expose him/herself to the world, which would automatically aggo every nonhostile npc that could have a problem with vampires. I realize this may be hard to balance without being overpowered, but I think being a master vampire should be very rewarding. However, it should be very difficult to achieve that level of vampirism, so adding necessary quests to complete could help balance it out. Perhaps a few could involve needing to steal other vampires' power or kill werewolves. If the quests were really difficult to complete it would feel very rewarding to ultimately have all the powers of a vampire and fewer of the disadvantages.

A few things I don't like or think are unneccessary (which, considering the number of ideas and amount of content, isn't that much):

1. Not being able to swim. Sorry, that's just silly to me. Water doesn't hurt vampires unless it's blessed/holy water, and even that's only true in a fraction of vampire lore. If they're fast on land, they'd be equally fast swimmers.

2. Ranking/leveling down. You shouldn't be able to go from a master vampire to a neophyte if you don't feed. You should just become very weak and easier to kill, and that should only be temporary. If Dracula didn't feed for a month, he might be greatly weakened, but he woudn't cease being a 'master' vampire. But once he fed again, he would regain all his powers fairly quickly. It seems wholly unnecessary, as a high level vamp, to have to bite 30 extra people to regain what you lost (if for instance, you wanted to use the wait function to pass a certain amount of time).

3. LOL translyvanian accent. Funny, but immersion breaking for me.

4. Being able to turn into a wolf. That should be completely separate from vampirism.

5. Taking damage if coming within 5 feet of a shrine. I can totally see why the shrines should have no benefit to you as a vampire, but I don't think merely coming near them should hurt you.

6. Getting attacked on sight at higher vamp levels. If anything it should be the opposite: higher levels are better at avoiding detection, especially since they're more experienced and powerful. However, I think that once you reach, say level 5 (whatever you want to call this level- progenitor, etc), you get two extra stages added on for your thirst. It would mean that you could go longer without feeding, yet still suffer significant penalties like stat reductions and (at stage 6) NPCs attacking on sight.

Other ideas:

1. Add an ability to feed on npcs when they're awake and create a unique animation for it where you spring for their neck, lol. Perhaps it would be necessary for balance purposes to weaken and stun them first, so that they need a certain low % of health left for it to work (otherwise it would be overpowered.) An ability and animation to feed on a dead animals would be cool, too.

2. Oh, and I love the idea that the shade would protect/mitigate sun exposure.

3. There needs to be a vampire den/location where a vampire will offer to turn/infect you without the need for combat with a vamp.


By the way, I'm a complete layman at modding/scripting. I realize this is a lot of work, and I greatly appreciate what you guys are doing. I just wanted to humbly add my input here in hopes that some of it might be useful.

Edited by phil11
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Actually, I think that the idea of not being able to swim comes from some lore saying that vampires could not cross running water, like streams and rivers. So I can see the reasoning, but I agree with the fact that the sinking thing is bad, you could get trapped really easily by accident. Although I believe people were discussing the idea of water walking, which wouldn't be quite so game breaking. Also, an idea for all the easter eggs would be to release a version of the mod with the immersion breaking stuff, and one without. Like a Vampire Overhaul: Lolage Edition. As for my humble thoughts on the powers/drawbacks, I think it should be a balance between getting more and less weaknesses as you level up. Like, you would start with a few weaknesses, and keep getting more, but there should be a point where you stop getting weaker and start getting less weaknesses again. And the Master Vampire (or whatever) would have no penalties to his health/magicka/stamina, but would not regenerate them, like they are using up stored energy.


And I too have little to no knowledge on modding, just an overactive imagination and a desire to provide input as humbly as I can. *bow scrape scrape grovel*

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As probably mentioned before there were some awesome vampire overhauls for oblivion already. It allowed yo to change you appearance to human and nobody would simply attack. Most of the Vampire advantages weren't available while the appearance was changed to human though. Furthermore once you have not been fed enoguh anymore you weren't able to maintain the human form and were forced into monstrous form(well simply the true vampire face). Then the guards /npcs were coming after you...


I loved the concept and since being fed all the time was really time consuming it balanced the strength buffs. Of course you need a vampire leveling system building on how often you have fed...


I would also add a vampire hunter fraction that would randomly hunt you down with weapons that match your weaknesses as a vampire...


Some suggestions:

Powers avialable with human appearance:


1. Feeding on living/awake NPCs needs to be possible.

Fully conscious victims trigger the crime system when they get bitten. If other NPCs see you feeding the crime system triggers as well. NPCs can be fed on 3 times before they die. Biting should also be available in combat doing minor damage but infecting a short time dot that gets explained below.


2. Seduction

Calms 1 opponent and temporirly makes him your follower. After Seduction is over the person is still hyptnoized and simply returns to his home/are hes walking around in. Seduced targets don't trigger the crime system.


3. Hunter's Sight



4. Waterbreathing


5.Resistance to diseasse


6. Resistance to frost


7. Invisibility once a day



Additional powers in vampire form:

Simply the true vampire apearance.


1. Faster sprint (don't overdo it, a little bit more than horse speedis fine)


2. Attack Speed Buff +5-10% to all weapon types


3. Higher jumps


4. Better Endurance and Heatlh Regen

While the additional Life is kept relatively low a fast Regen is more lore freindly i think. Vampires aren't super tough, they are more like Woverine healing most damage away really quick. This wouldn't make you totally overpowered since you still have to avoid taking on toomany opponents to get bursted away too quick.


5. Better sneaking


6. Ressurrect ghoul

If you manage to bite a victim right before you slay him in a fight he gets infected by your bite,automatically resurrecting him for a short time.



Exclusive powers in Beastform:

I picture something similar to werewolves, w/o tail, a bat face and wings. This should be the ultimate power you acquire after reaching the highest vampire rank. That should give you


1. Equal mechanics as (mod-fixed) werewolves. With an high damage ouput and a sweet HP boost.


2. A super sonic fuus do raa version with a short cd.


3. Flight


4. Permanent Life Detection and Night Eye



I would really say that most the weakness should pretty much remain the same.


1. Sun-Light should damage you, forcing you to exclusively stalk the night( maybe a daywalker ring could get avaialble through a quest after gaining the highest vampire rank)


2. The hunger should be the major weakness next to sunlight, requiring more blood the more powerful you become. If you are not well fed and foced to vampire form you pretty much can't interact with any non-vampiric npcs, much worse everybody turns on you.


3. I also think that vampire hunters should be a real challenge forcing you to use all the buffs the mod provides in order to survive...


Add weakness to werewolves maybe.

Edited by xyks
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I agree with the idea that older vampries should be more powerful, and as they get progressively more powerful, better and better abilities and stats are gradually unlocked. So I like with the structure you guys seem to be going for. Anyway, the vampire stages could stay intact and still apply a penalty to stats like they do in vanilla, except I think that the penalties should decrease as you gain vamp levels. So a master vampire might be able to go for longer without feeding or allow it (eg. at stage 4) not to affect him/her as much, whereas a neophyte would need to feed often or suffer more drastic penalties. A master vamp should be able to almost totally withstand sunlight and move during the day without attracting attention, whereas a neophyte might get fried like an egg and expose him/herself to the world, which would automatically aggo every nonhostile npc that could have a problem with vampires. I realize this may be hard to balance without being overpowered, but I think being a master vampire should be very rewarding. However, it should be very difficult to achieve that level of vampirism, so adding necessary quests to complete could help balance it out. Perhaps a few could involve needing to steal other vampires' power or kill werewolves. If the quests were really difficult to complete it would feel very rewarding to ultimately have all the powers of a vampire and fewer of the disadvantages.


A few things I don't like or think are unneccessary (which, considering the number of ideas and amount of content, isn't that much):

1. Not being able to swim. Sorry, that's just silly to me. Water doesn't hurt vampires unless it's blessed/holy water, and even that's only true in a fraction of vampire lore. If they're fast on land, they'd be equally fast swimmers.

2. Ranking/leveling down. You shouldn't be able to go from a master vampire to a neophyte if you don't feed. You should just become very weak and easier to kill, and that should only be temporary. If Dracula didn't feed for a month, he might be greatly weakened, but he woudn't cease being a 'master' vampire. But once he fed again, he would regain all his powers fairly quickly. It seems wholly unnecessary, as a high level vamp, to have to bite 30 extra people to regain what you lost (if for instance, you wanted to use the wait function to pass a certain amount of time).

3. LOL translyvanian accent. Funny, but immersion breaking for me.

4. Being able to turn into a wolf. That should be completely separate from vampirism.

5. Taking damage if coming within 5 feet of a shrine. I can totally see why the shrines should have no benefit to you as a vampire, but I don't think merely coming near them should hurt you.

6. Getting attacked on sight at higher vamp levels. If anything it should be the opposite: higher levels are better at avoiding detection, especially since they're more experienced and powerful. However, I think that once you reach, say level 5 (whatever you want to call this level- progenitor, etc), you get two extra stages added on for your thirst. It would mean that you could go longer without feeding, yet still suffer significant penalties like stat reductions and (at stage 6) NPCs attacking on sight.


I'll reply to this bit since it's likely on the differences that most explaining is needed. Now, it's not my mod (or topic! :P) but I can at least give what I perceive to be my reasoning (and the reasoning which will be in our mod).


Firstly, older vampires get weaker. This is a gameplay thing, as well as summarizing a lot of older(pre-Dracula) and ancient(pre-BC) lore which capitalized on the vampires having an internal struggle between humanity and monstrosity. If older vampires were merely the most powerful at all times, that would just be...well, over powered. They'd have no reason whatsoever to balance being human or being a monster, and it would gradually make the game less and less interesting as fewer and fewer things need to be taken into account. Suddenly, sun no longer matters, nor does combat...well, that's just not very vampiric, regardless of the vampires age. Sun always matters. Fire and silver are always bad, and the less human they are, the more it hurts. For instance, if a super-vampire is incredibly hurt by sunlight (as is the case in a lot of IRL and TES lore), but a normal person isn't, why would someone closer to a super vampire be hurt less than someone closer to being a human? They are losing their humanity, and at a price.


After that is the idea of hiding your appearance. Most modern (within the last 100 years) has the vampire looking rather good...which is the case when you're just starting out. You're also closer to humanity as a new vampire, so you'd naturally not look as hideous. This is why, in my mod, I have speech increased as a new vampire. As they get older, however, they get more and more grotesque (ie, like older and ancient lore). Now, since that would get annoying, the player is able to cover up their true selves...at the cost of a mental resource, ie, magicka. Such a mental demand is present in nearly ever vampire lore source I've read (except, interestingly enough, the first modern story "The Vampyre", but that's very much an anomaly).

Plus, there is gameplay to consider. We don't want master level vampires being supreme beings, able to conquer every part of the game unequivocally better than humans. They will be incredibly powerful, yes. They will, however, still be vampires, complete with all typical vampiric considerations so it becomes a new element of gameplay as opposed to simply taking challenge out of existing elements.


As for specifics:

1. Yeah..hehe...turns out TES vampires can swim, at least in theory, and lack of swimming would be very hard to program/balance. As it stands now, at least for my mod, they will sink automatically upon reaching a certain level, but swim normall once having...something. Details need to be worked out. Point being: they can swim!

2. Very true. In fact, I might just change it such that you always keep the spells learned, no matter the level...hmm...interesting idea..That said, they will become notably weaker in pretty much every other fashion sans spells learned once they stop feeding. Or, not weaker, but...closer to humanity. This brings in ideas of why a vampire feeds at all and where the weaknesses come from, a discussion which changes between pretty much every source possible, but I think ranking down is an integral part of the balance aspect.

3. Heh...yeah...lotta easter eggs...especially in mine >.>. Most are hard to find though!

4. Yep. Agree completely. Wolves are not their area, and only a few (Dracula, Hellsing, one or two others) have that power mentioned at all.

5. Well, most of what I can find (older, modern, ancient, TES lore) has had being around holy symbols as bad, in that it actually harmed the vampire in question.

6. This goes back to the hiding of appearance. Older vampires will be able to hide their true nature, but it takes a resource.


I probably misphrased/poorly explained a LOT of that, but regardless..the ideas are explained. I'm sure I much more eloquently eke out the ideas in my topic (shameless plug!).


Also, a note on super-high-level beastform: this ability is very, very rarely mentioned in any lore, and the times it is, it's to explain why people are naturally terrified by high level vampires. Kinda..uh..redundant.


I'm sorry if these all sound like mean arguments, but I assure you, I've given all aspects of it a lot of thought :D

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