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Environmental Exposure


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Skyrim's weather is harsh and dangerous, yet wandering around naked for hours leaves the character no worse for the weather. Coupled with the fact that characters are able to swim in icy water, and run on ice without slipping is absolutely game breaking immersion-wise.


Easy things to add:

  • Hypothermia disease (Caused by swimming in ice water, or being in cold for too long, and frostbite venom)
  • Slippery Ice (The friction could be adjusted so you will slip and slide on the ice, with a chance of falling)
  • Thin Ice (Walking on Ice would have a chance of breaking and falling through into the water below)
  • Being cold (If a character is cold, lock picking would be much more difficult, movement would also be slower)
  • Being wet should influence magic's effect on you. (EX: Being wet would give character +50% fire resistance, -25% frost & shock resistance. Characters would have to wait a few hours but risk hypothermia or sit by a fire, casting fire cloak, being attacked with fire magic, or changing clothes)
  • Wandering around in Skyrim's wilderness & Tundra should do 2-3 frost damage per second unless the character is protected with warm clothing or armor/ or magic protection


It would make players think twice about jumping into an ice cold pool of water or fighting horkers on slippery ice. Of course ice gripping boots could be an enchantment or forgeable feature. Now, if I was able to make this mod, I would do it in a second. But, I don't have any idea where to start. I would love some advice on how to implement these changes, or help doing it. I think it would have mass appeal because it would make the game much more realistic and challenging in new ways.

Thanks for looking.

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I posted earlier same kind of idea about hypothermia(among other ideas..), my idea was that you would get cold damage if you are in water, so you would need resist cold potions (and nords would withstand it a little better). And greater damage from northern ocean than from lakes and rivers.. Disease is propably easier to mod, but I think you should stack resist cold potions instead of cure disease when fighting with cold :) But yes definitely something I would endorse nonetheles. Now I just roleplay so that I try to avoid water as much as possible, but a mod for that would be sweet.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. Friction Changes in ice would be cool.



Uhm cold.. .


Drains stamina, When you have no stamina you start to loose Health very slowly from ice damage?? Frost resistance helps? This is present in snowy areas and is worse at Night and in water. Being around fire is good?

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Things should actually get on fire when you use a fire spell, I mean really burn. And when you use a frost spell on the water it should actually freeze Edited by xweto
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