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Missing npc dialogue sound

Guest deleted551365

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Guest deleted551365



Im about about to join the companions and I encounter missing some sounds to dialogues with the companions and with Kodlak. All options are there, but all Kodlaks answers are without sound. Not experienced this with any other npc's except the companions. Im running a mod to adjust the options for the companions quest.


When I ask companions where to find kodlak, that specifik answer is also missing for them.

Im running mods with loot and I've updated my drivers. I've checked the INI file and everything seems to be in order.

Anyone encountered this issue before and know how to handle it?

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It could be a conflict with the ordering of your mods or two mods that don't play nicely with each other. You should list them out. LOOT has 3 dots in the upper right. Click that and select copy load order, then paste it here.

Also, what system are you using?

Do you have SKSE installed properly?

Have you cleaned your master .esms correctly?

What mod organizer are you using? MO, NMM?

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