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New guild faction and better prisonor armor and pose and exicution


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hay all i want is a leg irons hand irons more jailed people and a choker leash or rope. a slave compaion. also in prsions buyable houses and dungens a interogation stand (like the one in the dawnstar santurary) also being able to put people in them. also a create ur own npc mod who would be created same way u do in the beging of the game (of course it cant talk) a working leash on npcs and guards would have em to when u say i rather die than go to prision and instead of geting killed u get leashed to prision but theres a cetch u lose more more exp and get a effect called torchered that lower all ur stanma health and majika by half also u have to wait 30 sec before seving time also if posable u beable (in if u get leashed u get interogated by a justicar elf) to interogate people in ur house also a slavers guild.


on a final note if people see you use or hold a person on leash u will get a $500 bounty :laugh:

last note people segest a guild or faction like folmor or forswon or demons guild down below

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