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Add new nif in CK


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Hello guys, I'm trying to add a nif in CK, to prove I extract of the nif mininuke and put it in the data / mesh / MyAmmo folder and I changed the path of the nif AmmoFatManMiniNuke and FatManProjectile with the new one. After I created an archive from CK and I added the new nif. So I saved the mod but when I opened the game the mininuke do not mesh. What did I do wrong?





P.S. I created another topic before this because I thought of making a mistake in editing the nif, if some can delete it please let mo.

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Assuming nothing is wrong with the nif, did you name your archive with the required naming convention? Example: MyMod - Main.BA2


If you don't follow the required naming convention your assets won't appear in game because the archive isn't read. Made this mistake with the first archive I ever made since I didn't know about the naming.

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