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Creation Kit: How to make item undroppable?


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I'm very beginner to scripting. Hope someone can help me.


The player can drop ring from my mod even I assign it as quest object already.

How to make this ring undroppable? What am I doing wrong?


I create a script to show message box every 20 mins and use the ring to toggle notification.(equip to show the message box. unequip to hide message box.)

I add the ring to quest alias with type "Create Reference to Object," "Create In" Player. Screenshot1 / Screenshot2.

I use this command give ring to the player automatically when running this script for the first time.

PlayerRef.Additem(TakeCareRing, 1, True)

Edited by azzendix
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Just in case someone wants to see full script.
This is the quest script.



Scriptname _TakeCare_Main extends Quest
{This is main script. Display messages every 20 minutes.}

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Armor Property TakeCareRing Auto
Message Property _TakeCare_Msg Auto
GlobalVariable Property _TakeCare_Time Auto
Int Property Status = 0 Auto

Event OnInit()
Debug.Notification("Take Care of Your Eyes has been activated.")
PlayerRef.Additem(TakeCareRing, 1, True)

Event OnUpdate()
if (Status == 1)



This is the ring script.(attach to the ring object in armor section.)

Scriptname _TakeCare_Ring extends ObjectReference
{Equip/Unequip to show/hide message box.}

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
_TakeCare_Main Property _TakeCare_Main_Property Auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if akActor == PlayerRef
Debug.Notification("Show message box.")
_TakeCare_Main_Property.Status = 1

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
if akActor == PlayerRef
Debug.Notification("Hide message box.")
_TakeCare_Main_Property.Status = 0

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the whole quest is not running.

I tested the mod with my game. I think both script quests are running because I can see message "Take Care of Your Eyes has been activated." at first and "Show message box." "Hide message box." when equip/unequip ring.

The message box stop shows up after unequip ring. The script is working as intended.




alias is not getting filled

Not sure I understand about "filled". Do you mean the value of the property?

Please check these images.







Edited by azzendix
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