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Just a couple more Enchantment options?


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I recently reached the end game on my Melee warrior character, and I'm quite underwhelmed with the options I have for enchantments...


The Helmet slot is wasted on me, all enchantments but Fortify One-Handed are throwaway on my Gloves and Boots, and the chest enchants are nice but ultimately unnecessary (increased health less so than increased stamina.)


For my weapons, I have Absorb Health which drains charges way too fast and breaks immersion for me each time I have to recharge... Absorb Stamina is outright broken and the Elemental enchants are lackluster compared to Elemental Fury.


So I was wondering if anyone could make a mod that simply unlocks some additional enchantments, without unlocking the overpowered Unique and Artifact ones, to make enchanting a little more rewarding and interesting...


Here are some of the enchantments that would be nice to enable, with their source between brackets:



Increased damage vs. Dragons [Dragonsbane]

Increased critical strike chance [Valdr's Lucky Dagger]

Stagger chance [Windshear]

Armor ignoring extra damage [Ghostblade]



Fortify Shout [Amulet of Talos]



Fortify Shout [Amulet of Talos]



Fortify Shout [Amulet of Talos]


When the CSK comes out, then maybe some custom, more interesting enchantments can be created (e.g. reduced chance to stagger on boots, spell reflect for gloves and shields, damage reflect on armor), but until then, a bit more options would not be totally unwelcome?

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