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An idea


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Arch-Mage Perks.


As cool as it was to become the Arch-Mage, I noticed not a lot of people seemed to care. I was especially ticked off at the Jarl of Winterhold when he continued to talk about the College as though I wasn't the current proprietor of its entirety.


Simply put, while I can do without people saying different stuff in acknowledgement of my success, I'd really like it if I were able to promote people within the college. I really didn't want Tolfdir, as cool as he is, to be the Master Wizard. I'd much rather have been able to promote my own people.

Enthir is probably the most likeable, in my opinion. I probably would have gone with him as the Master. It'd also be kinda cool to manipulate the hierarchical structure such that the college can be led by another Arch-Mage, and that's who I'd choose Tolfdir to be.


While this might be a big of work, I think it'd be pretty neat to have a little more power within the various agencies all-together. But really, by power, I mean options.

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