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Radiant AI Rocks!

David Brasher

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I see your point, it's not easy to create/voice act and implement dialogue like this to cover all these various situations. However, one would expect SOME situations to be covered, particularly those covered by major questlines. For example I don't care that much that Talen-Jei tells me I shouldn't come back to the Bee and Barb after what I did to Keerava, even though I did help him get her a ring afterwards, but I do get mad when, even after I've become Harbinger for the Companions, the guards still usually call me a noob in the Companions.


Also what's the point of getting promoted by the Imperials or Stormcloaks when none of the soldiers salute properly:( (actually I have heard some Stormcloaks call me by my proper title, but the Imperials were a completely lost cause for me).


I also have an issue with the randomizing factor for various quests such as upgrading the Guild subquests and DB Forever missions. What's the point of making so many different options if you're going to randomize the whole thing? What I mean is wouldn't it have been better to have to do each type of job from Delvin and Vex in each type of city rather than get assigned the same job in the same place 5 times? Same goes for DB forever, why not just go through the whole list of possible clients in order and only THEN restart the quest if you want to.

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I said it once, and i'll say it again. If Obsidian could take in account all possibilities with New Vegas, Beth can do it too.


The only bad thing we got out of New Vegas dialogue was the "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" line lol

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I think it would be really simple to have people who are taking contracts out on you hate you. Like right at the same time the trigger trips and the commands are executed to send assassins after you, have a line of code like this also execute:


ModDisposition Player -50

There are already generic greetings that NPCs can use when they hate you. No additional voice acting or scripting would be needed. In some cases, the NPCs that hate you would start combat with you on sight with such a low disposition.

Edited by David Brasher
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Yeah, whoever sends the note should have a vendetta towards you. When you next see them, they talk to you like they don't like you. It shouldn't be that hard to do!


Yes and no.


Yes, agreed, it is not hard to program a simple trigger/response.


No, it is harder to actually put in-game. It requires more writing for the dialogue, more voice acting, possibly more branches with further stuff, all depending on how far you want to take it. I think many of these issues we have like this are just like coming across the invisible border surrounding Skyrim; they had to stop at some point. It's a big game in other ways, but to make it bigger in all these ways would mean waiting longer for it's release, again, depending on how far to take it.


Btw, in playing Devil's Advocate here and defending Beth, I'm just realizing myself why these faults exist in a game like this. It's just not that kind of game with just one story that can be expanded. Too many really kewl little things, you know. Would you rather wait a year or two for the game's release or play it as is and have them begin work on the next? I dunno.


The voice files are easy enough to access, I just don't know how they go in the game. I haven't found an NPC yet without basic dialog that isn't hateful/overnice/somewhere in between. You should already have voice files readily available for the main characters and even the nameless NPCs that can be tailored to your needs. There's a lot of dialogue for each of the voices.


as far as more writing, well, yeah, that's what modders are for...

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I remember being over-encumbered once, and I dropped an Iron Greatsword to make some room. It worked fine for ten seconds, until someone comes up to me and says, "Hey! I think you dropped this. You're lucky I saw it. Someone else would have just taken it."


Thanks, lady.

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Lol ... Ya' gotta love the AI AND the physics... I was running from Riverwood to Whiterun one fine day, and I 'kicked' a dear skull, which proceeded to turn into a ballistic missile and landed on one of the guards patrolling near the Honningbrew Meadery, well by the time I jogged over the hill, 5 Guards were converging on me and one of them proceeded to tell me I was under arrest for my crimes ! Seriously ?!?!? :wallbash:


Also, apparently FO:NV has been given the record for the highest number of lines of dialogue in any single player role playing game, with over 65,000 lines of dialogue, so with all that, maybe their could be one or two lines that might just be usable in Skyrim

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