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The Children Really Bug me


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^ eeww creepy ... I agree the inbreeding seems to be a problem, plus the fact that people don't really, truly seem to care about the kids, I mean, who lets kids run around forests and ruins with Lions and Tigers and Bears (oh my) everywhere? And that (whatshername) stall keeper in Whiterun, who avows that she only cares about the welfare of her daughter, but if you marry her, she leaves the brat without a backward glance! not even a tear or sigh!


But mostly just get rid of those horrid American teen accents! (and no I'm not being discriminatory towards our American cousins) The voices are like running a cheese grater over bare skin ... :ermm:

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Why because I said clubhouse?


I do agree with the voices part. That's pretty much why they, in my opinion, deserve to die. Except the orphans. They're fine since they're stuck in a building and completely out of my way.


I enjoyed going to Riftwald while a dragon attacked and noticed that the girl's crappy sister died. Then again...now she has to do all the chores, but at least she doesn't have to deal with that annoying frigging dialogue as well.

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