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Two Ideas


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Firstly, I am hoping that anyone who reads this can please contact me regarding either help or a solution to my dilemna.


I am trying to find a way to increase the maximum amount of bodies allowed per cell, something that I think anyone with skill could do. Me, I tried downloading SkyEdit but cannot make heads or tails out of it yet.


Something I'd LOVE to see for a mod would be a Burlap Body Bag that you can stuff a body into to transport them from cell to cell, or from interior to exterior. This would be extremely handy for me.


Another mod I'd love to see would be shiny, reflective, chrome plate armour... :-)


If anyone can please help me I would greatly appreciate it.




I have already downloaded bodies stay much longer mod, no respawn mod, and no essential npcs mod. One problem with the bodies stay longer mod is that even though I can get a good stack going, if I a)fast travel, b)wait, c)sleep, or d) stray far from the stack, I find that they start disappearing. If anyone can tell me a remedy to this situation please pm me.


Thank you for your time.



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The problem with the extra bodies is savegame bloat, if you've killed 500 people in game, that's 500 body positions/types/equipment loadouts that the game has to store in your save and THEN reload each time you played, so more bodies = larger file means your save file would end up being somewhat larger in number of Gigabyes than the mass of Jupiter and take sometime into the next century before it loaded, and that is only IF you have the equivalent amount of ram in Gigabytes to the mass of the Sun in which to load it! ...


The 'body bag' idea for at least moving/hiding bodies (temporarily) until NPC's forget about them at which point they can disappear, is a good idea though

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theres a white ebony set that is pretty shiny some where. i used to use it till i found the tera elin mod.


Tera Elin mod? :mellow:

link to the mod http://dragonporn.ldblog.jp/archives/5630394.html

link translated to english http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdragonporn.ldblog.jp%2Farchives%2F5630394.html&hl=en&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie=UTF-8


image of lydia wearing it http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/gonnagetreaped.png/

image of me killing a bandit wearing it. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/tesv2012010423003860.png/


if you decide to use it type player.setscale 0.8

or click the npc u put it on and type setscale 0.8

to make it look more normal

Edited by Icedgamer
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