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What script command lets you look up and alter the players magicka poo


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I'm trying too find the script command needed too look up how much magicka the player has. And then the command needed too remove X amount of magicka from the player. Just like a spell does.


I'm trying too make a mod that adds a bow that automatically summons it's own arrows as they are used. Right now the mod works, but the arrows cost nothing too summon. I would like too give the arrows a magicka cost too summon each one so that the bow isn't completely free too use. I had seen how too do this once before, but it has been so long since I have worked on this mod that I can't remember where I found the commands.


I have already searched through the net looking for the commands needed, but can't seem too find them. Any idea what they are?

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GetActorValue can fetch the player's magika, among other things. Check out the Stats List page for a full listing.


As for draining magika for each shot, hmm. Normally I would suggest a simple Damage Magika spell, but I'm not sure how you would implement it from a script. ModActorValue2 might work, but I think that would probably end up lowering your magika maximum, not just your current magika.

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aah yes. GetActorValue is one of the commands I was looking for. Thanks. Just couldn't quite remember it for some reason.


As for the other. You do have a good point. ModAV looks like it is a permanent change. And I'm not sure how too call a spell from an item script like this either. I'm sure there is a way around this though.

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