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Sneak+Archery Rebalance


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Are there Hit Zones at all in Skyrim? I mean, i pierced a Guards eye with an Arrow so it stuck out of his Backhead. That would normally kill a man, but the Guard took normal Damage. I could have shot him in the knee, would result in equal Damage... so if there are no Hit Zones it will be very difficult to mod them...


I dont think that Sneak+Archery should be nerfed, the Problem here is clearly the Sneak Ability itself. I played as a Rogue, had 1 of 5 points in the "Stealth" perk, but Sneak was at 100. I was nearly invisible for everyone. its just OP how high u can get sneaking, i mean, there are muffled boots, there are 4 perks left to improve the Sneak skill in this case, and there are potions, Vampirism, Item Enchants and so on... its just too OP at higher Sneak Ranks.

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Crippling should occur if you shoot someone in the knee (don't even start) and it should be instakill on a humanoid if it's a headshot. Anywhere in the upper chest area should cause either instant death or damage over time (bleedout if pierced heart, suffocation if pierced lung). Arrows to the arms should render the entire sword/shield arm useless and unusable, as well as disarming them or effectively dropping their shield, depending on where you hit.
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