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CTD after charector creation


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Yes Hello, as the title states I crash after hitting "R" for done and naming my charector shortly after crashes. I have 86 mods installed, have used loot for sorting, have ran FNIS with necessary patches, have used TESVedit. I also started this mod project with a complete vanilla skyrim, also validated files from steam.


Now, this is my first ever crash, and I will say when I installed all 86 mods with NMM and with my True vision enb the game loaded up perfectly and ran smoothly and I even created my charector successfully...heres where the issue is, I wanted to change enb's because i thought this one was too bright and not saturated enough so I opted to install Real vision.


I used it in the past and I loved it, So anyway I googled multiple same resources describing how to properly uninstall all enb files from the skyrim directory, What i remember doing was redownloading the most up to date enb core files in the wrapper (.dll and enbhost) and I first copy and pasted those core files and over wrote the pre existing .dll and host core file that I had before...now was this wrong? or should I of deleted those preexisting core files and then dragged the new ones in?? I Then continued to delete the corresponding enb related files and made absolutely sure I deleted the correct ones.


I don't use Apachii hair mod, instead I use KS Hairdo's Mod, I also use Skyrim Unbound, I do have showracemenu cache killer installed, that does not help. Does Skyrim unbound need to be loaded at the very bottom?? if so why didn't loot do this.






GPU:Nvidia GTX 780 Ti

RAM:AMD Gaming Memory 16gb

OS:Win10 64bit




[TESVEDIT File most recent]




No viruses, was not sure how to show you the tesvedit log my apologies




[Mod Load Order in NMM] I do not use Any DLC





Also do I need to include my papyrus logs??


Thanks for your time in helping me resolve this issue.

Edited by Valorek
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It would really be awesome if someone looked at this for me, my game was running great and smooth until I switched enb's?


but if i switched enb's and if there was a problem with the enb wouldn't just crash at the main screen?


This leads me to believe it could have something to do with Skyrim Unbound but i'm not 100% sure because skyrim unbound was working fine before with the previous enb


*Ok so I set up the skyrim.ini values in my documents in papyrus for debugging, and when it crashed I went to view the log and the log has nothing in it?!*

Edited by Valorek
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Well, found out something very interesting on my own...I decided to do a complete uninstall of that enb realvision and went to see after charector creation if it would crash.


guess what?


it did'nt crash...all be damned... so that obviously means something is wrong with the enb not my mods :) I got a hunch its because i used the latest enb core files and not the authors link to his recommendation.


I will try that reinstall and will post back with results.

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