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I am having a issue with armor textures not looking right at a distant view please look at my video on the matter by clicking this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ0PvXjpSx4&feature=youtu.be .And also a attachment

of a picture showing my mod order the first two are cut out cuz I couldn't fit every mod in the screenshot they are oblivion esm and UOP.

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I am having a issue with armor textures not looking right at a distant view please look at my video on the matter by clicking this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ0PvXjpSx4&feature=youtu.be .And also a attachment

of a picture showing my mod order the first two are cut out cuz I couldn't fit every mod in the screenshot they are oblivion esm and UOP.


Not sure what the problem is but you might want to use the Wrye Bash and BOSS for installation and sorting the load order for less heartache. :whistling: :confused: :rolleyes:

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As far as the armor error i fixed that by using a different armor replacer as for things like legion helmets posters .etc thay are still messed up.As for the error up close the said mesh is ok but far away the mesh looks like its full of holes.
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